Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Italian Air Force HF ALE Net

Here is a little profile I have put together on an Italian Air Force HF ALE network that is being heard on a regular basis over in Europe. The NCS for this net appears to be the 46th Aerial Brigade, ALE Address - Charly 46 .

Frequencies: 3932.0 4716.0 5712.0 6600.0 6748.0 8020.0 kHz

ALE Addresses:

Charly 46 - 46ªBrigata Aerea Pisa - San Giusto "Arturo Dall'Oro" (LIRP)
40 - Unknown user/usage
41 - 41° STORMO ANTISOM "Athos Ammannato" Catania - Sigonella "Capitano Pilota Cosimo di Palma" (LICZ) [Tentative]
44 - Unknown user/usage
46 - Unknown user/usage
47 - Unknown user/usage
50 - 50° STORMO Piacenza - San Damiano "Gaetano Mazza" (LIMS) [Tentative]
51 - 51° STORMO "Ferruccio Serafini" Istrana - Treviso "Vittorio Bragadin" (LIPS) [Tentative] 54 - Unknown user/usage
55 - Unknown user/usage
56 - Unknown user/usage
57 - Unknown user/usage
59 - Unknown user/usage
61 - 61° STORMO Lecce - Galatina "Fortunato Cesari" (LIBN) [Tentative]

If you have any additional frequencies, corrections or ALE address IDs to add, please send it along to larryvanhorn @