Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Russian Navy Flash Message Traffic

Fritz Nusser posted a very interesting message on the UDXF group yesterday. He made several intercepts of Russian Navy flash message traffic on several frequencies. Here is Fritz message.

Russian Navy General Staff VGK Nets (March 25, 2008)

Frequencies: 18.100 7657.0 9346.0 10535.0 11083.0 14411.0 14664.0 kHz (Mode CW)

Time (UTC) Call ==> Message
1307 RKS RDL ==> 39040 73798 neptazan 5766 7596 k
1315 RDL ==> 88311 88197 äragma 2107 1363 k
1320 RDL ==> 26873 28890 éwatmin 2304 5994 k
1340 RDL ==> 89135 34569 podgonäla 9217 0125 k
1356 RDL ==> 40210 00300 biplanowyj 8373 8057 k
1401 RKS RDL ==> 73611 24905 kupacan 6051 2681 k
1447 RDL ==> 11593 12192 aminosidin 9648 3451 solasonin 3881 6882 k
1456 RDL ==> 37912 69281 velonqik 0250 1234 k
1502 RDL ==> 52600 05491 wolot 1768 3340 propusknik 3855 1789 alkiä 8493 2810 smolxqik 1382 9353 k

Thanks Fritz for sharing your interesting intercepts with the rest of us.