Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Milair Frequency Changes - 3/12/2009

For all my friends back home in South Texas, two of the San Antonio approach / departure frequencies will be vacating the 380-400 MHz band on May 7, 2009 and moving down the band. Here are the details.

290.225 San Antonio TX departure control service, ex-381.400 MHz
335.625 San Antonio TX approach control service, ex-392.100 MHz

These frequencies serve the following aerodromes:

New Braunfels Muni (KBAZ), Pleasanton Muni (KPEZ), Stinson Muni (KSSF), Lackland AFB (Kelly Field Annex) (KSKF), Randolph AFB (KRND) and San Antonio International (KSAT).

Again this change takes effect May 7, 2009.