The cleanout of the 380-400 MHz milair aero service continues to be replaced by LMR services. If you are not familiar with what is happening, I have written about this several times on this blog and in my Monitoring Times Milcom column.
So time again for some more aero frequency changes, updates and corrections from the Milcom MP Quik-Stop . . .
225.4000 Anchorage ARTCC (ZAN) Fort Yukon AK RCAG High Altitude, ex-381.6000
239.2500 Anchorage ARTCC (ZAN) Barrow AK RCAG Low/High Altitude Discrete, ex-385.6000
291.1000 Santa Barbara CA Approach/Departure Control Class C IC (350-150)
335.5000 Anchorage ARTCC (ZAN) Unalakleet AK RCAG Low/High Altitude, ex-397.9000
363.0250 Denver ARTCC (ZDV) Casper WY RCAG Low Altitude Discrete, 385.6000
363.0250 Denver ARTCC (ZDV) Lusk WY RCAG Low Altitude Discrete, 385.6000
363.0250 Denver ARTCC (ZDV) Sundance WY RCAG Low Altitude Discrete, 385.6000
377.1750 Missoula International MT (KMSO) Tower, ex-387.1000
379.9000 Anchorage ARTCC (ZAN) Sparrevohn AK RCAG Low/high Altitude, ex-387.1000