Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - HF Feb 10-12, 2010 - Mid Atlantic

Our regular MMP reporter Ron P in the Mid Atlantic checks in again with his military/government HF logs from Feb 10-12. All times UTC and Frequencies in kHz.

10 Feb:

08340.0 T8R1 (HQs Venezuelan Navy): 0003 LSB/ALE w/1W1S (Frigate " Mariscal Sucre" F-21) w/DTM msgs.

08337.6 Shark 11 (USCGC Forward, WMEC-911, Portsmouth VA): 1441 USB calling unid station (call missed) w/no response. ANDVT aslo noted.

10588.0 FR4FEM (FEMA Region 4, Thomasville GA): 1610 USB/ALE sounding.

09462.0 FC4FEM (Communications Manager, FEMA Region 4, Thomasville GA): 1618 USB/ALE sounding.

14396.5 AAV4AR (Army MARS-Net Control): 1624 USB w/various SHARES stations in weekly net. Noted were: WGY 929 (Nevada); KNY 872 (Colorado); NCS 023.

11 Feb:

11354.0 Barrow AK: 2040 ARINC 635 HFDL.

11387.0 Riverhead NY: 2045 ARINC 635 HFDL.

11387.0 Sydney: 2101 USB w/volmet.

11315.0 2001 (poss USCG HC-130J # 2001, CGAS Elizabeth City NJ): 2114 USB/ALE sounding.

09185.0 Aldera (sounds like-O/M Spanish): 2240 USB w/ 81 (O/M (Spanish) Tadiran 4FSK tones & poss Mil-110A data. Op chat mentions Alpha Papa Oscar (???). Prob Mexican Navy.

12 Feb:

08340.0 F21 (Venezuelan Navy Frigate " Mariscal Sucre" F-21): 0200 LSB/ALE calling BNAR2 (Venezuelan Navy Base "Amario").

08340.0 3V2Y (Commander LST "Los LLanos" T-64): 0430LSB/ALE calling T8R1 (HQs Venezuelan Navy).

08340.0 5JL1 (Venezuelan Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21): 0500 LSB/ALE calling 28DV (unid).

08340.0 5JL1 (Venezuelan Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21): 0900 LSB/ALE calling T5L1 (CEDEF-Commander, Frigate Squadron).

05320.0 Shark 07 (poss USCGC USCFC Ocracoke WPB-1307, Roosevelt Roads PR): 1312 USB calling Shark 19 (poss USCGC Chandaleur, WPB-1319,Miami FL-not heard) in both
clear voice & ANDVT checks.

14760.0 Dove 35 (unid, poss US military): 1736 USB w/Bell 45 (unid, poss US military-not heard) in clear & encrypted voice. Dove 35 advises that comms not possible since they are not logged on. Thanks to Jack M. for tip off. (I believe these were two US Navy Tacamo aircraft 162782 and 164410 operating in the US Midwest-Jefe)

10242.0 MSG (USCGC Hamilton, WHEC-715 San Pedro CA-deployed to Caribbean): 2245 USB/ALE sounding.

08050.0 DKB (US Army JSOC, Ft Bragg NC): 2351 USB/ALE sounding.

08095.0 Unid: 2358 RTTY 75/850 prob KG-44 encrypted.