Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - HF Feb 5-8, 2010 - Mid Atlantic

Our regular MMP reporter Ron P in the Mid Atlantic checks in again with his military/government HF logs from Feb 5-8. All times UTC and Frequencies in kHz.

5 Feb:

08340.0 5JL1 (Venezuelan Navy Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21): 0045 LSB/ALE calling T5L1 (CEDEF-Commander, Frigate Squadron).

08340.0 F21 (Venezuelan Navy Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21): 0050 LSB/ALE calling CGA1 (HQs Venezuelan Navy).

08340.0 15JL (Unid Venezuelan Navy): 0230 LSB/ALE calling 71XV (Unid Venezuelan Navy).

08096.0 Unid (poss Cuban DGI): 1314 CW w/5-ltr groups. Active again at 1930.

08950.0 O/M (Italian): 1913 USB w/O/M (Italian). Out-of-band activity.

08337.6 Smokey (prob USCG Sector San Juan PR): 2018 USB w/Bandit (prob USCG HH-65C-not heard) in position report. Extended ANDVT aslo noted. (RP-MD 2010/02/05)

08337.6 Shark 11 (USCGC Forward, WMEC-911, Portsmouth VA)): 2058 USB w/Swordfish 28 (USCG HU-25D #2128, CGAS Mimai FL) who passes position as 150 degrees at 22nms from benchmark 40.

09047.0 201SERCAP (Civil Air Patrol, Southeast Region): 2119 USB/ALE sounding.

09081.5 STPOPS (Minnesota ArNG, Army Avn Support Facility (AASF) St. Paul, MN): 2121 USB/ALE sounding.

09117.0 O/M (unid lang): 2123 LSB w/O/M (unid lang).

09187.0 Station 4 (O/M Spanish): 2157 USB w/station 20 (O/M Spanish) in readability check. Call up initiated by Tadiran 4FSK tones. Prob Mexican Navy.

09183.0 O/M (Spanish): 2215 USB w/station 430 (O/M Spanish). Comms related chatter. Mention of Sierra Papa Oscar (??). Using Tadiran 4FSK tones to initate voice comms. Some prob Mil-110A also noted. Prob Mexican Navy.

08340.0 1W1S (Venezuelan Navy Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21): 2330 LSB/ALE w/T8R1 (HQs Venezuelan Navy) in DTM msgs.

6 Feb:

02598.0 VCM (St Anthony CG Radio Newfoundland): 0108 USB w/EE maritime wx.

02598.0 VOK (Labrador CG Radio, Goose Bay Labrador): 0140 USB w/EE maritime wx.

02749.0 VAR (Fundy CG Radio St John Newfoundland): 0140 USB w/EE/FF maritime wx.

08340.0 CGA (HQs Venezuelan Navy): 1200 LSB/ALE calling T61 (Capana-class LST "Capana" T-61). This was closely followed by T8R1 calling 1W1S.

05135.0 SEM001 (New York State Emergency:Hauppage, NY): 1930 USB/ALE sounding.

05135.0 SEMOHQ (WPHM628:New York State Emergency:Albany,NY): 1930 USB/ALE sounding.

05135.0 MA1NC (New Hampshire SECURE:Manchester, NH): 2000 USB/ALE sounding.

05135.0 VA7CTSCSP (unid): 2030 USB/ALE sounding. (Anybody have a clue who this is-Jefe?)

05192.0 MA1NC (New Hampshire SECURE:Manchester, NH): 2120 USB/ALE sounding.

05192.0 NA1SH (New Hampshire SECURE:Nasua, NH): 2210 USB/ALE sounding.

08340.0 F212 (Venezuelan Navy Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21): 2330 LSB/ALE w/GCA2 (HQs Venezuelan Navy) sending DTM msgs.

7 Feb:

11354.0 Barrow AK: 1920 ARINC 635 HFDL.

10070.3 O/M (Arabic): 2008 USB w/O/M (arabic). Via WebSDR at Twente, Netherlands.

8 Feb:

08340.0 T8R1 (HQs Venezuelan Navy): 0030 USB/ALE calling 4T8S (Venezuelan Navy LST/Capana class Esequibo" T-62).

08340.0 1W1S (Venezuelan Navy Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21): 2200 LSB/ALE w/T8R1 (HQs Venezuelan Navy) in DTM msgs.