Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Friday, March 12, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - HF Mar 11, 2010 - Mid Atlantic

Our regular MMP reporter Ron P in the Mid Atlantic checks in again with his military/government HF logs from Mar 11. All times UTC and Frequencies in kHz.

07527.0 J40 (USCG MH-60J #6040 CGAS San Diego CA): 1522 USB/ALE sounding.

07527.0 LNT: 1905 USB/ALE calling 720 (USCG HC-130H #1720, CGAS Clearwater FL)

07527.0 P21 (USCG COTHEN Remote Communications Console, ATC Mobile AL): 1948 USB/ALE w/K53 (MH-65C East Coast) then automated female voice announces that call cannot be completed and patch is terminated.

07527.0 PAC (CamsPac Point Reyes, CA): 2041 USB/ALE w/J16 (USCG MH-60J #6016 CGAS San Diego CA) establishing radio guard.

08912.0 N04 (USCG HC-144A #2304 ATC Mobile AL): 1455 USB/ALE sounding.

08912.0 PR1PRI (COTHEN Remote Communications Transmitter, Islote, PR ): 1640 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 10242.0; 11494.0; & 12222.0 USB.

08912.0 LNT: 2016 USB/ALE w/J22 who passes position as 2909N/8906W. The LNT w/720 who passes position as 2244N/7545W.

08912.0 J08 (USCG MH-60J #6008 CGAS Clearwater FL): 2048 USB/ALE sounding.

08983.0 CamsLant Chesapeake: 1420 USB w/CG 2104 (HU-25C+ CGAS Corpus Christi TX-not heard).

08983.0 CamsLant: 1532 USB calling Cg 2128 (HU-25D CGAS Miami FL) w/no response.

08983.0 CamsLant: 1534 USB w/ CG 2305 (HC-144A ATC Mobile AL-not heard).

08983.0 CamsLant: 1650 USB w/Swordfish 17 (USCG HU-25A CGAS Miami FL-weak) w/radio checks.

08983.0 CamnsLant: 2011 USB calling CG 2129 (HU-25C+ CGAS Cape Cod MA).

08983.0 CamsLant: 2047 USB w/CG 2128 (HU-25D CGAS Miami FL-not heard).

08983.0 CamsLant: 2055 USB calling Cg 2304 (HC-144A ATC Mobile AL) w/no response

09025.0 538007 (KC-135R # 63-8007, 106 ARS - AL ANG-Birmingham MAP, AL): 1549 USB/ALE sounding.

09025.0 ADW (HF-GCS Andrews AFB MD): 1422 w/J22 (USCG MH-60J #6022 CGAS Clearwater FL) then in voice CG Miami Ops w/CG 6022 tasking 6022 for visual search of area around 2914N/81??W to look for either a vessel or debris. Miami Ops advises they are still getting "signal" from that area. At 1440 Miami Ops advises CG 6022 that they should refuel and return to the search area as they are still getting indications that something is there.

10242.0 OPB (OPBAT Service Center, Nassau, Bahamas): 1845 USB/ALE calling J24 (USCG MH-60J #6024 CGAS Clearwater FL).

10242.0 LNT (CamsLant): 1849 USB/ALE w/J03 (USCG MH-60J #6003 CGAS Clearwater FL) establishing radio guard.

10242,0 LNT: 1903 USB/ALE calling J22 (USCG MH-60J #6022 CGAS Clearwater FL).

11175.0 Offutt (HF-GCS Offutt AFB NE): 1446 USB w/Bat 81 (prob KC-135R 174th FS, IA ANG Sioux City IA-not heard)

11175.0 Terra 97 (C-32 150th Special Operations Squadron NJ-ANG McGuire AFB NJ): 1954 USB w/Mainsail call for radio check.

14582.0 J26 (USCG MH-60T #6026 CGAS Elizabeth City NC): 2012 USB/ALE sounding.

15867.0 501 (USCG HC-130H #1501, CGAS Clearwater FL): 1858 USB/ALE calling LNT.

18594.0 T97 (US Customs PILATUS PC-12/45 #N497PC): 1843 USB/ALE sounding.

18594.0 K66 (USCG MH-65C # 6566): 1419 USB/ALE sounding.