Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Another T69ME1 Station Surfaced this Afternoon

This afternoon another new T69ME1 style ALE address has surfaced on the HF bands.

Late this afternoon I caught T86VA2 working T43DE1 on 5211.0 kHz.

So now we have seen the following stations:


On the following frequencies:

4490.0 5211.0 6766.0 6800.0 6985.0 6997.0(LSB) 7722.0 9106.0 10493.0 10816.5 11217.0 11608.5 13242.0 13568.0 14396.5 14653.0 15094.0 16338.5 17458.5 17487.0 kHz.

Again if anyone has anything to add to this please email me.

Jefe Sends