Our old friend Jack Metcalfe checks in with his latest mil/gov HF logs from Kentucky.
4593.5 AFA2SS, USAF MARS net: 1347 USB Voice (29/JUNE/2010)
4918.5 Possibly US Army MARS station AAR3CN under very heavy static: 0053 USB Voice (28/JUNE/2010)
5217.0 AAR5AW, US Army MARS: 0047 OLIVIA 32 Tones 1 kHz Bandwidth. Also stations AAR5UL/T & AAR5UN/T. (28/JUNE/2010)
5320.0 USCG Cutters active, but very weak signals: 0102 USB Voice (28/JUNE/2010)
5696.0 USCG RESCUE 014 with ETA: 1400 USB Voice (29/JUNE/2010)
7457.0 AFA4GE & AFA4ED confirming receipt of Exercise Dark Shadow message concerning the explosion of a transformer at the Bryant (Jackson County), AL substation. RYRYRY preceded the exercise message: 1348 - 1351 USB Voice & MT-63 (28/JUNE/2010)
7630.5 AFA2RU, USAF MARS in net comms: 1348 USB Voice (28/JUNE/2010)
10580.0 LINK 11: 1508 USB (29/JUNE/2010)
11217.0 TEE or KEY BALL, USAF or USN with phone patch to Norfolk Weather for conditions at Pax River: 0208 USB Voice (28/JUNE/2010)
11400.5 B03, unid, possibly US Army: 1357 USB ALE (29/JUNE/2010)
13206.0 LINK 11: 1518 USB (29/JUNE/2010)
14654.5 T57AR1, Arkansas National Guard JISCC (Joint Incident Site Communications Capability), North Little Rock, AR calling SCC43NG, South Carolina 43rd National Guard Civil Support Team, Eastover, SC: 1522 USB ALE (29/JUNE/2010)
14654.5 T57AR1, Arkansas National Guard JISCC (Joint Incident Site Communications Capability), North Little Rock, AR calling T43DE1, Delaware NG JISCC, Wilmington, DE: 1534 USB ALE & AMD Text (29/JUNE/2010)
15010.0 LAJES, USAF Lajes, Azores. Phone patch for REACH 403. Moved to 11220.0 due to poor signal: 0200 USB Voice (28/JUNE/2010)
15016.0 TANK CAR, USAF "standing by & TANK CAR out" a few minutes later: 0203 USB VOICE (28/JUNE/2010)