Wolfgang nr Munich, Germany, passed along the following Baltops 2010 Exercise logs via the UDXF. Thanks Wolfgang for sharing your observations with the rest of us.
05173.0 SWG: USS Stephen W. Groves FFG29 USA 0732 usb clg SIM for rc, pd check , then clg MTW for same check 2010-06-16.
05173.0 MTW: USS Mount Whitney LCC20 USA 0725 usb called by SIM rc, out 2010-06-16
05173.0 SIM: USS Simpson FFG56 USA 0725 usb clg MTW for rc, out 2010-06-16
05173.0 BAY: FGS Bayern F217 (DRAJ) GER 1945 usb qso with GIANT, rdo chk, out 2010-06-15
05173.0 GIANT: USS Mount Whitney LCC 20 USA 1945 usb clg any unit, raising BAY, rc, out 2010-06-15
06777.2 DRFP: FGS Herten M1099 D 0937 usb/stanag4285/75L qso dhj59 2010-06-13