Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Btown Mil Blog Logs 11-11.5 MHz Bandscan 28 Nov 2010 1400-1720

Here are some of the stations I caught here on the radio ranch Sunday. The complete set of logs for the 11-11.5 MHz range that I monitored are over on our sister blog, the BTown Monitoring Post at

11015.0 MKG G Royal Air Force Unknown G UK-DHFCS Stanag 4285/1200L/3300 crypto at 1447 utc.

11086.5 GYA G Royal Navy Northwood (Whitehall) G FAX 120/576 Meteo Charts - North Atlantic Area at 1515 utc. Fleet Weather and Oceanographic Center.

11096.0 MKD G DHFCS Akrotiri (Episkopi) CYP Stanag 4285 600L/3000 crypto at 1543 utc.

11175.0 ADW HF-GCS Andrews w/EAM 28c OQT7VG, probable current training message traffic at 1530. Much weaker unid station hrd repeating at 1535. McClellan?

11181.0 AMC Global Red HF Command Network: SIPRNet Secure Internet Protocol Router Net active with ADWSPR (Andrews) sounding at 1632 utc.

11184.0 US DoD Very strong ANDVT/USB comms on this one. Probably LANT P-3 aircraft traffic at 1616 utc. This is a USN LANTFLT Flight Following frequency. Can hear this frequency right now (1708 utc) on both sides of the Atlantic (also via a rcvr in Rome at Global Tuners).

11213.0 MKL G Royal Air Force Northwood/Inskip (Xmitter) G NATO-75 (RTTY) 70/75 KG-84C Encryption - RAF MARTELO/AMCC Secure broadcast Stanag 4481 at 1424 utc.

11220.0 US DoD Very strong ANDVT comms on this one, second station much weaker at 1512 utc. Probable airborne command post on this global discrete frequency.

11232.0 CanForce MACS Trenton Military wkg CanForce 2357 with selcal check and passed backup as 13257.0 kHz at 1637 utc. At 1643 utc Trenton passing weather for Winnipeg and Thunder Bay to CanForce 2357.

11246.0 Israeli Air Force network, strong ALE/USB comms noted here, Israeli AF at 1613 and at 1943 noted AAA sounding.

11253.0 GQF G Royal Air Force Swanwick (Inskip) G RAF Volmet USB at 1421 utc.

11402.0 USAF Civil Air Patrol National Command ALE Network, 0004WICAP (Wisconsin Wing Comm Officer), 0004SWRCAP (Southwest Region CAP Comm Officer), 060PCRCAP (Pacific Coast Region station) 202SERCAP (Southeast Region station)using ALE/USB at various times utc.

11456.0 JWT NOR Navy Stavanger NOR Stanag 4285 600L/3000 (NATO System 0949)at 1510 utc, strong on east coast at this hour.