Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - 12 Nov 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

3299.0 HF-USB
0126Z - AFF4XC NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net

3308.0 HF-USB
0205Z - Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5GR

3920.0 HF-LSB
2358Z - Kansas Weather Net per NCS, sked time moved to 2345Z & net closes approx 0015Z

4002.9 HF-LSB
0207Z - AAA4MS NCS for the Army Region 4 Mississippi MARS AAA4MS/A net: AAM4MS

4007.0 HF-USB
0004Z - NNN0FCT NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Nebraska / Kansas MARS 7N1B net: NNN0YQG / NNN0APJ / NNN0AMY
0033Z - NNN0SXU NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0AQK / NNN0BQH
0130Z - NNN0THC pass NCS of the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net to NNN0SVW
2330Z - NNN0QGB NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D3B net: NNN0TUL / NNN0QCQ / NNN0YGW / NNN0UAO

4008.5 HF-USB
0202Z - NNN0ELL NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 South Texas MARS 6S1B net: NNN0HKQ

4020.9 HF-USB
0115Z - Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAR6BB

4035.9 HF-USB
0110Z - AAR7AT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/IA net: AAT7CN / AAR7DG
0304Z - AAM7MO NCS for the Army Region 7 Missouri MARS AAA7RD/MO net: AAM7EMO / NNN0FCT
1406Z - Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAA7RD

4038.5 HF-USB
0203Z - NNN0TBK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0UTE / AAA9?? (covered by QRM fm the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net on 4035.9 USB)

4506.0 HF-USB
0001Z - MO-CAP-10 NCS for the North Central Region Missouri "MO-CAP" CAP net
0201Z - Iowa-CAP-04 NCS for the North Central Region Iowa CAP net

4517.0 HF-USB
1403Z - AFE7DM NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFN7NC / AFA7FN

4604.0 HF-USB
0001Z - Red-Fire-114 (sounded like) NCS for the Great Lakes Region Indiana"Red_Fire" CAP net
0032Z - Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red_Fox" CAP net: Red-Fox-93
0100Z - (sound like) Bluemound-03 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Wisconsin "Blue-Mound" CAP net
0200Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
2330Z - Columbus-04 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Ohio "Columbus" CAP net

4623.5 HF-USB
1404Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Wisconsin MARS 5W4B net: NNN0HCO

4627.0 HF-USB
0131Z - Wild-Wood-46 NCS for the Southwest Region Arkansas "Wild-Wood" CAP net

4825.0 HF-USB
2312Z - NNN0KIP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X4B net: NNN0FWM

5078.5 HF-USB
2307Z - Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X5Y (MT-63) net: NNN0THC / NNN0SVW

5171.0 HF-USB
0040Z - Link-11 data transmission

7302.0 HF-USB
1402Z - AFF6RM NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net: AFA6BZ

7457.0 HF-USB
1412Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4DM / AFD4AL / AFA4SW

8983.0 HF-USB
1428Z - Camslant w/ Juliet-25
1437Z - Camslant w/ CG 2006: copy departing homeplate Elizabeth City w/ 5 POB for local training; destination same. Assume your guard @ ____ minutes; Primary freq 5 MHz; Secondary freq 8 MHz w/ standard opns every 30 mikes
1443Z - Camslant w/ Swordfish-28 for flight opns & position rpt

8992.0 HF-USB
0040Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM JYKLQR to All Stations

10194.0 HF-USB
2036Z - Link-11 data transmission

11175.0 HF-USB
2031Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) provide Omni-05 w/ pp to Blue-Star: ETA homeplate 2204Z