Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - 2-10 November 2010 - Kentucky

Our good friend Jack Metcalfe in Kentucky checks in with some logs from the HF spectrum of US Government and Milcom stations.

2415.0 ARC51, American Red Cross, unid location sounding here & on: 2411.0, 2419.0, 2422.0, 2439.0, 2463.0, 2466.0, 2471.0 & 2477.0: 2355+ USB ALE (09/NOV/2010)

2726.0 ARC51, American Red Cross, unid location sounding on this frequency & 3201.0 & 6858.0: 1815 USB ALE (09/NOV/2010)

2760.0 R26329, US Military Helo calling BROOK: 0008 USB VOICE & ALE (10/NOV/2010)

3170.0 KNNP491WV, American Red Cross, WV calling ARCLA, American Red Cross, LA: 2302 USB ALE (09/NOV/2010)

4000.0 DEFAULT, unid station: 2146 USB ALE (08/NOV/2010)

4610.0 HIJ, unid station here & on 5837.0: 1431 USB ALE (09/NOV/2010)

4790.0 BROOK, US Military ground station & R26329, US Military Helo: 1500 USB ALE (09/NOV/2010)

5717.0 WARSHIP CHARLOTTETOWN (FFH 339) calling HALIFAX MILITARY: 0117 USB Voice (04/NOV/2010)

6986.0 SABRE calling STONEWALL, Virginia NG: 1612 USB ALE (03/NOV/2010)

7477.0 2104CTSCSP, Connecticut Telecommunications Service, Connecticut State Police Unit: 1310 USB ALE. 1311 USB ALE on 7805.0 (09/NOV/2010)

7553.6 Unid station with 5 letter groups: 2014 CW (03/NOV/2010)

7802.0 RACES3, Illinois Emergency Services station calling IL5, Illinois State EOC, Springfield, IL: 1613 USB ALE (09/NOV/2010)

7935.0 D11ISP, District 11, Illinois State Police, Collinsville, IL calling TLWY1, Illinois Tollway Agency, Downer's Grove, IL. Other Illinois stations active today included Department of Transportation stations D03IDOT & D09IDOT & Alternate IL State EOC station STATEEOC2. Additional frequencies used were 5140.0, 5192.0 & 7802.0: 2155 - 2211 USB ALE (09/NOV/2010)

8095.0 DEFAULT, unid station: 2049 USB ALE (02/NOV/2010)

8137.5 NORMANDY calling STONEWALL, Virginia NG: 1801 USB ALE (03/NOV/2010)

8337.6 SHARK 11 calling unid station "in the red": 2020 USB Voice (08/NOV/2010)

9270.0 USDAEOC2, US Department of Agriculture Alternate EOC, Riverdale, MD: 1554 USB ALE. 1552 USB ALE on 5901.0 (09/NOV/2010)

10362.0 SABRE calling STONEWALL, Virginia NG. Also active on 9295.0 & 8137.5: 1612 USB ALE (03/NOV/2010)

10703.0 HAM, Virginia NG, Hampton, VA. Also active on 4559.5, 4790.0, 6767.5, 6876.5, 8137.5, 9295.0 & 10362.0: 1246+ USB ALE (09/NOV/2010)

12164.0 143CDCC40, Tulsa Health Department (voice call WNG971), Tulsa, OK calling CDC station 010CDCNHQ: 1805 USB ALE (04/NOV/2010)

13488.0 109CDCC40, Oklahoma City County Health Department, Oklahoma City, OK calling CDC station 010CDCNHQ: 1624 USB ALE (04/NOV/2010)