Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Officials announce criteria for basing MQ-1/9 ground control station, light mobility aircraft

WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Air Force officials released their criteria for basing of the MQ-1/9 ground control stations for an Air Force Reserve Command unit and criteria to determine basing locations for the light mobility aircraft Nov. 17.

The basing criteria for the MQ-1/9 ground control stations include mission requirements, communications infrastructure, Reserve component recruiting, facilities, support capacity, timing and cost.

The basing criteria for the LiMA include mission requirements, training requirements, airspace, facilities and infrastructure, support capacity, environmental impacts, and cost.

"The Air Force uses a deliberate, repeatable and transparent process to address our basing needs," said Kathleen Ferguson, the Air Force deputy assistant secretary for installations. "These criteria will help to ensure that all aspects for basing of these aircraft have been considered."

Once that process is complete, Air Force officials will consider other factors that include coordination with the Air National Guard and Reserve. This information will be used to identify candidate bases for the MQ 1/9 ground control stations and LiMA.

The release of the candidate bases for the MQ 1/9 is expected in early 2011. The release of the candidate bases for the LiMA is expected in December. Based on the results of these efforts, Air Force officials expect to announce the alternatives/preferred locations for LiMA in the first quarter of 2011.

After the release of the candidate bases, the formal environmental impact analysis process will begin, allowing communities around each candidate base to participate and provide input.

Once the Environmental Impact Analysis Processes are complete, Air Force officials will announce the final basing decisions for the MQ-1/9 mission. This announcement is anticipated to occur in June 2011.