Our friend Ron Perron from Baltimore MD checks in with his latest HF Milcom logs. Thanks Ron for sharing.
(Times UTC, Freqs KHz)
05696.0 1633Z CamsLant w/CG 2005 who reports position as 3421N/7343W. Camslant also advises of problems and the switch to CamsPac.
07527.0 1323Z ALE handshakes followed by Parkhill encrypted voice.
07527.0 1539Z CamsLant w/F29 (HU-25C+ # 2129 CGAS Cape Cod MA -not heard) advising that they should switch to ??-110 and not Satcom. Followed by Parkhill-type encrypted comms. At 1742Z CamsLant and F29 w/ALE handshakes and Parkhill-type encrypted comms followed by F29 "in the clear" advising they are on final for homeplate and securing radio guard.
08776.0 2211Z Log Roll (TACAMO/NAOC) w/EAM G25SCU. Signal L/C at my QTH
08912.0 1327Z CamsLant w/CG 1719 (HC-130H7 CGAS Clearwater FL) who reports departure from CGAS Clearwater on Law Enforcement mission w/8 POB.
08912.0 1634Z CamsLant w/J43 (MH-60T # 6043 CGAS Elizabeth City-not heard) who reports "ops normal"
08912.0 1535Z CamsLant w/K98 (HH-65C #6598 CGAS Detroit-not heard) who reports position as 3715N/7727W.
08983.0 1251Z CamsLant Chesapeake w/CG 2006 (HC-130J CGAS Elizabeth City NC-not heard) who reports position as 2148N/6830W. CamsLant advises that 6035 (MH-60J ) is also in the area.
08983.0 1629Z CamsLant advises CG 2005 (HC-130J CGAS Elizabeth City NC) that CamsLant is having equipment " issues" and that his radio guard is being shifted to CamsPac. CG 2005 can't hear him on 8 MHz and they QSY to 5696.0. At my QTH both CG 2005 & CamsLant were L/C on 8 MHz and CG 2005 was very weak on 5 MHz.
08983.0 1641Z CamsLant calling CG 1504 (HC-130H CGAS Elizabeth City NC) w/no response.
08983.0 2005Z CamsLant w/CG 2128 (HU-25D CGAS Miami FL) who reports "ops normal" at 2543N/7926W.
08992.0 1647Z Andrews w/EAM 43TGR4
08992.0 2000Z Andrews w/EAM 43MMT3 then repeats 43TGR4
08992.0 2150Z Andrews w/EAM G25SCU
08992.0 Andrews w/Jib or Jade 92 (TACAMO/NAOC) who requests repeat of last msg G2DFF4.
11175.0 1638Z Lobo 715 (C-9B VMR-1, MCAS Cherry Point, NC) w/unheard station in radio checks.
11175.0 2034Z Andrews w/rebroadcast of EAM 43TGR4 then w/EAM 43MUSH
11232.0 1316Z Trenton Military w/Canforce 85 (unid) who reports departure from CFB Greenwood and selcal check on FD-MH.
12222.0 1643Z ALE handshakes followed by Parkhill-type encrypted comms.