Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Air Show Field Frequency Reports Needed

Now as we get started into the air show season, I want to remind my readers on this blog that your air show reports are critical to keeping our annual MT Air Show Guide up-to-date. We would appreciate if you use our guide that you send along your air show frequency reports to the email address in the masthead above. Even if the freqs are on our list, we use all the frequencies heard at a show to confirm and verify the frequency information we provide in our guide.

If you hear it, we can use it!

As always we are grateful for any and all reports we receive during the air show season. We can't make all the shows, but with your help we can keep the guide accurate. So, if you are using the new 2011 guide at a show, please pass along what you heard after the show to us via email. If you wish to remain anonymous, I can do that also.

With your help and field reports, I hope that it will make the 2012, 13 annual MT Air Show Guide that best ever.

73 and good hunting de Larry aka NavAirBoss