Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Milcom Blog Logs - 1 Mar 2011 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

3267.5 HF-USB
0220Z - NNN0FWM NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 South Texas MARS 6S3Y (Olivia 16-1K) net: NNN0HKQ / NNN0HVB / NNN0AHH / NNN0JIX

3299.0 HF-USB
0118Z - AFA4UF NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFD4KY

3320.5 HF-USB
0302Z - NNN0RPM NCS for the Navy/MC Region 8 Colorado / Wyoming MARS 8C1B net: NNN0SBK / NNN0ANH

3325.0 HF-USB
0133Z - NNN0KBP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0AKT / NNN0ITN / NNN0BON

3341.0 HF-USB
[01:47:59][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 10 SN 04

3349.0 HF-USB
0014Z - NNN0RVG NCS for the Navy/MC Region 3 Maryland / District of Columbia / Delaware 3W1B net
0114Z - Navy/MC Region 6 East Texas MARS 6E1B net: NNN0KIP

3370.5 HF-USB
0217Z - AFA6DV NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M3 net: AFA6BG

3384.0 HF-USB
0113Z - Link-11 data transmission

3390.0 HF-USB
0115Z - NNN0BQH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 MARS 5X1B net: NNN0VJM / NNN0EPY
0215Z - NNN0ICX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0QAA

4002.9 HF-LSB
0110Z - AAR4QF NCS for the Army Region 4 North Carolina MARS net: AAR4FF / AAV4TL

4007.0 HF-USB
0003Z - NNN0APJ NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Nebraska / Kansas MARS 7N1B net: NNN0THC
0032Z - NNN0XYA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0BQH
0133Z - NNN0AZM NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0HBY / NNN0THC / NNN0HKF / NNN0AAV
2303Z - NNN0THC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X5Y (MT-63) net: NNN0QGB* / NNN0SVW / NNN0TUL / NNN0IBG / NNN0ASF
2331Z - NNN0XZK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D3B net: NNN0QGB / NNN0IBG

4008.5 HF-USB
0004Z - QRM fm 7N1B over-riding Navy/MC Region 6 Louisiana MARS 6L1B net: NNN0ZRT
2200Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net: NNN0QGC

4011.0 HF-USB
0006Z - NNN0HPU NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Arkansas MARS 6A1B net: NNN0WKH / NNN0KUR
1407Z - Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D1C net: NNN0TUL

4013.5 HF-USB
0004Z - NNN0BTG NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net: NNN0LES

4020.9 HF-USB
0108Z - Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAR6LE

4023.9 HF-USB
0010Z - Army Region 5 Ohio MARS AAA5RD/OH net: AAR5XM / AAR5BK also passing admin msg concerning forthcoming Ohio MARS ECOM exercise
0107Z - Army Region 5 Illinois MARS AAA5RD/IL net: AAM5RD
1404Z - Army Region 5 Illinois MARS AAA5RD/IL net: AAV5KY / AAM5RD

4035.9 HF-USB
0105Z - AAM7IA NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/IA net: AAM8RE / AAR7AH
0206Z - AAA7KS NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAR7PF
1329Z - Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/C net: AAR7DZ / AAR7FA / AAT7FD
1403Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAR7FD / AAM7EMO

4038.5 HF-USB
0207Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0HEL
0301Z - NNN0SYH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0QAA

4041.0 HF-USB
0032Z - NNN0ANN NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net: NNN0FSW / NNN0LWN / NNN0FKW

4470.5 HF-USB
0318Z - NNN0XFB NCS for the Navy/MC Region 8 North / South Dakota MARS 8S1B net: NNN0AHH

4469.0 HF-USB
0201Z - Southeast Region Tennessee CAP net: Goldenrod-11 / Goldenrod-595 / Georgia-CAP-34 / Georgia-CAP-250

4506.0 HF-USB
0001Z - MO-CAP-10 NCS for the North Central Region Missouri "MO-CAP" CAP net: MO-CAP-44 / MO-CAP-101

4517.0 HF-USB
1402Z - AFN7NC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFE5PI / AFA7FN

4604.0 HF-USB
0001Z - Red-Fire-281 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Indiana "Red_Fire" CAP net: Red-Fire-114
0030Z - Red-Fox-93 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red_Fox" CAP net
0200Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
1400Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
1430Z - Red-Fox-17 NCS for the Great Lakes "Blue Lake" Region CAP net
2230Z - Red-Fox-17 calz Red-Fox-98 w/ no joy then opens the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red_Fox" CAP net as NCS
2300Z - Kentucky-CAP-148 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Kentucky CAP net
2330Z - Columbus-04 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Ohio "Columbus" CAP net

4623.5 HF-USB
0030Z - NNN0KRX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I2B net: NNN0SCV / NNN0HAS
1401Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Wisconsin MARS 5W4B net: NNN0UNK
1501Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0OAR / NNN0SCV

4627.0 HF-USB
0130Z - Southwest Region Arkansas "Wild-Wood" CAP net: WildWood-04

4724.0 HF-USB
0049Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM PBZHF2 to All Stations

4825.0 HF-USB
2300Z - NNN0HZN NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X4B net: NNN0WKH

5004.5 HF-USB
1502Z - NNN0GLK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X2B net: NNN0IVV

6737.0 HF-USB
0422Z - Link-11 data transmission

6739.0 HF-USB
0049Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM PBZHF2 to All Stations
0101Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM PBCUPT
0130Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM PBCUPT

7302.0 HF-USB
1409Z - AFA6FD NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net: AFD6RD

7457.0 HF-USB
1410Z - AFE4TN NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4UZ / AFA4WJ

7540.0 HF-USB
1509Z - AFA4DB NCS for the TRANSCON Digital Radio Relay Net (TRR) in MFSK-16: AFA1WW

7615.0 HF-USB
1503Z - Middle-East-34 NCS for the CAP Daytime Communicators net: Head-CAP-58 / WildWood-6704

8050.0 HF-USB
[14:46:50][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 11 SN 06

8056.0 HF-USB
0425Z - Link-11 data transmission

8126.0 HF-USB
0418Z - Link-11 data transmission

8912.0 HF-USB
2232Z - Foxtrot-33 makes multiple calz for Camslant w/ no joy noted
2252Z - Foxtrot-33 rpts "flight opns normal" to Camslant
2254Z - Service Center provides Juliet-29 w/ pp to ___; ___ provides weather information to Juliet-29 "west of Naples where you are to be searching is some weather moving through, but behind it is clear"
[22:57:48][CHN 01][TO ][J29 ][TWS][TSC ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05

8971.0 HF-USB
1421Z - Pelican-19 w/ Fiddle for "high fox" radio check in red & green modes

9025.0 HF-USB
0427Z - Offutt (HF-GCS) de McClellan (HF-GCS) on ALE (no joy noted)

9121.5 HF-USB
0414Z - Link-11 data transmission

10510.0 HF-USB
[18:15:25][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][4600MN ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05

10542.0 HF-USB
[19:06:09][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][0 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 04
[19:17:54][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][0 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
[20:14:47][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][0 ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05
[21:11:45][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][0 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 05
0 = "the BIG ZERO"

11016.0 HF-USB
1606Z - Link-11 data transmission

11175.0 HF-USB
2201Z - Reach-455 (sound like) w/ McClellan (HF-GCS) for radio check
2202Z - Aircraft-44 (sound like) calz Mainsail (no joy noted)

11494.0 HF-USB
[21:44:40][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][I3L ][AL0] BER 19 SN 07

15016.0 HF-USB
0049Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM PBZHF2 to All Stations