Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Saturday, March 19, 2011

U.S. Navy launches Tomahawks as part of Operation Odyssey Dawn

Hey, Moamar Gaddafi! We see you and you will see more of us later tonight or tomorrow morning. This is just the first wave.

I won't forget my last encounter with your insanity in the 1970s when you claimed 100 mile airspace. You just thought you were the bull of the woods with those new French Mirage fighters, huh! Those surface to air missile at the end of our fire control radar beams sure taught your pilots a thing or two. Even had enough time after GQ for popcorn and a movie. Those of us on the Josephus Daniels CG-27 sure taught you a lesson or two. But I guess old habits die hard and you need a refresher course. So more to follow . . . see you soon. The US Navy and El Jefe sends.