Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Milcom Blog Logs - 9 Apr 2011 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

3390.0 HF-USB
0102Z - Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0EAF

4007.0 HF-USB
0030Z - NNN0SVW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0QGR / NNN0HBY / NNN0AJJ / NNN0FBL
0103Z - NNN0LHK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I1B net: NNN0JJY
2300Z - NNN0AJJ NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Nebraska / Kansas MARS 7N1B net: NNN0YGI

4008.5 HF-USB
0001Z - NNN0AJJ calz NNN0AZO then assumes duties as NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O1B net

4011.0 HF-USB
0001Z - Navy/MC Region 6 East Texas MARS 6E1B net: NNN0EBX
1301Z - NNN0AS74 NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X3C net: NNN0VVI / NNN0SVW

4035.9 HF-USB
0002Z - Army Region 7 MARS A7I net: AAM7TIA
0106Z - Army Region 7 MARS A7A net: AAA7IA / AAM7EMO / AAM7RD
1302Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS A7A net: AAM7RD / AAA7RD / AAM7EMO

4038.5 HF-USB
0106Z - NNN0PCC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0JTS / NNN0TWA

4517.0 HF-USB
0100Z - AFN7NC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFE5PI / AFA7JG
1300Z - AFA5HJ NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5MNS1 net: AFA5ZK

4601.0 HF-USB
1332Z - Aspen-Gold-67 NCS for the Rocky Mountain Region Colorado Wing HF net

4623.5 HF-USB
1403Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0SCV

7302.0 HF-USB
1312Z - AFN6RD NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6ADS1 net: AFA6UB
1400Z - AFA6CF NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M4 net: AFA6WD / AFA6AM / AFF6DM / AFN6RD
1506Z - AFF6TD NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6TGM1 net: AFA6FX

7391.5 HF-USB
1404Z - NNN0GBD-1 NCS for the Navy/MC South Area MARS SA1A net: NNN0AS6

7457.0 HF-USB
1305Z - AFA4WJ NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFD4KY / AFA4HR / AFE4FL AFA4BL

10194.0 HF-USB
[16:45:04][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FR5FEM ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05

11494.0 HF-USB
[21:49:34][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][VAI ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
[21:58:07][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][711 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06

13200.0 HF-USB
0005Z - Insurable (USSTRATCOM Cmd Post; Offutt AFB) conducting daily comms test