((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))
Logs from KiwiSDR in Oregon & Canada
08912.0 1616Z Z27 (USCG Sector San Francisco San Francisco, CA) USB/ALE
w/08X (USCG HC-27J # 2708 CGAS Sacramento CA). After ALE handshake CG 2708
reports departure from homeplate CGAS Sacramento w/5 POB.
11175.0 1736Z Dagger 61 (C-146A # 12-3040 27SOW/524SOS Cannon AFB NM) USB
calling Mainsail w/no response.
11175.0 1740Z Conclave (HF-GCS) USB w/EAM DGKIL7 (30 chars)
11175.0 1830Z Conclave USB w/EAM EGW75B (125 chars)--starts then
"disregard this transmission".
11175.0 1834Z Conclave USB w/EAM FINSJS (30 chars) " for Molin (sounds
11175.0 1836Z Conclave USB w/EAM EGW75B (125 chars).
11175.0 1844Z Conclave USB w/EAM EGCOLO (48 chars).
11232.0 1854Z Trenton Military USB R/Cs w/Trog (spelled--unid).
11175.0 1917Z Conclave USB w/Night Wear (TACAMO/ABNCP) w/authentications
to enter the net. After a couple of attempts they QSY to 15016.0 USB to complete
11175.0 1930-40Z Andrews, Lajes, Hickam & West Coast USB w/test
11175.0 1942Z S4JG (female op) USB calling Mainsail w/no response. QSY'ed
to 8992.0 USB. NOTE: First time I've heard S4JG used in a long time.
11175.0 1955Z Bentback (TACAMO/ABNCP) USB calling Conclave w/no response.
At 2008Z they complete authentications to enter the net.
11175.0 2020Z Conclave USB w/Bentback w/pp to 271-7190 (RF Coordinator).
Bentback request Sky Chief look for them in stn Encounter. Sky Chief confirms
they are up in stn Encounter in RF4. Sky Chief suggests they QSY to RF16. Sky
Chief confirms Bentback burning RF16 w/7C.
11175.0 2028Z Conclave USB w/Bugle Boy (TACAMO/ABNCP) w/request to check
out of net. Conclave advises QSY to 8992.0 USB.
11196.0 2053Z NOJ (USC G ComSta Kodiak AK) USB/ALE w/J21 (USCG MH-60T
#6021). After handshake CG 6021 reports position as 5416N/16539W on course 060,
spd 119 at alt 450 ft.
11175.0 2100Z F0Y (unid) USB calling any stn. Answered by West
11175.0 2115Z F0Y USB calling Guam Global w/no response.
11175.0 2120Z Conclave USB w/EAM DGRPZF (30 chars)
11175.0 2130Z F0Y USB w/Andrews Global advising this is Exercise Esteem
Highly Alpha.
ALE Logs from KiwiSDRs in:
1. Spain Freq: 8797.0 USB
A12--IAF acft
AAA--IAF HQs, Tel Aviv
2. Oregon & Florida Freq: 8912.0 USB & 12222.0 USB
R26676--UH-60L #96-26676 Arizona ArNG
DEN--COTHEN Remote Communications Transmitter, Agate, CO
Z16 (USCG Sector Mobile Mobile, AL) w/RPK (USCGC WLB 204 Elm NRPK Atlantic
Beach, NC)
L05--USCG USCG MH-65C #6605 CGAS Humboldt Bay OR
D48--CBP P-3 AEW&C #N148CS/BuNo 154575, Corpus Christi AMB, TX
3. Canada & Florida Freq: 11448.0
D5Y1M (unid) w/1BGQY (unid). After ALE handshake ANDVT exchanges.
Freq: 11196.0 USB
NOJ (USCG ComSta Kodiak AK) USB calling K07 (USCG MH-65D #6507)
NOJ w/J21 (USCG MH-60T #6021)
Ron Utility Monitoring from Maryland, USA (390747N 763711W Grid FM19qd)
Various online SDRs