Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Mil/Gov Field Report - Jack in KY: 13 August 2018

Our good friend Jack in Kentucky checks in with another excellent set of intercepts from the Blue Grass state. Thanks Jack.

25441.6 US Government/Military stations GWO & BRX calling & linking with each other, then into ANDVT comms. Really strong signals on this frequency: 1408 UTC in USB ALE (2018AUG13) (JLM)

6990.0 T2Z135, 2-135th GSAB (General Support Aviation Battalion), Colorado National Guard, Buckley AFB, Aurora, CO sounding & calling helo  R26139: 1418 UTC+ in USB ALE (2018AUG13) (JLM)

5690.0 GHM (probable Airborne Command Post aircraft) calling & linking with US Government/Military station HYR, then to ANDVT: 1458 UTC in USB ALE (2018AUG13) (JLM)

26871.6 US DVA station 1012 sounding: 1502 UTC in USB ALE (2018AUG13) (JLM)

12225.0 Unid station transmitting four different data types over about  45 minutes or so. One appeared to be FEC & another ARQ, but I'm not sure on the other two: 1540 UTC in USB (2018AUG13) (JLM)

12510.0 BE16 calling BE11, Venezuelan Navy, I think: 1633 UTC in USB ALE (2018AUG13) (JLM)

6718.0 Unid station in ANDVT: 1701 UTC in USB (2018AUG13) (JLM)

6892.5 USMC station CACTUSTACCHAT calling ICEPACKTACCHAT: 1713 UTC in USB ALE (2018AUG13) (JLM)

7514.0 T2Z135, 2-135th GSAB (General Support Aviation Battalion), Colorado National Guard, Buckley AFB, Aurora, CO sounding: 1736 UTC in USB ALE (2018AUG13) (JLM)

8077.0 US Military station FW2 calling SP1 here & on 6842.5 & 11047.5.
The USMC used 6842.5 & 11047.5 last year, so that's the likely user this
time: 1755 UTC+ in USB ALE (2018AUG13) (JLM)

11047.5 TQ1 calling HQ1, probably USMC: 2107 UTC in USB ALE (2018AUG13)
Jack L. Metcalfe - Stanford, KY
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