Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Monday, August 20, 2018

Mil/Gov Field Report - Jack in KY: 14-15 August 2018

Our good friend Jack in Kentucky checks in with another excellent set of intercepts from the Blue Grass state. Thanks Jack.

5800.0 Tennessee State Guard stations AAN4ZR, AAN4ZX & NSG4AA in voice communications on this TN National Guard frequency, while participating in the Tennessee NG Vital Connections 2018 exercise. Also attempted datacomms in THOR. Good copy here: 1458 UTC+ in USB voice & THOR-22 data (2018AUG14) (JLM)

6000.0 US Military helicopter flight test operations between a unid helo & GROUND STATION. After comms were established they moved on to other preset frequencies. Stations heard last week in voice n 8038.5 USB voice & additional ALE channels: 1551 UTC in USB voice (2018AUG14) (JLM)

7991.0 US Army MARS station XRI calling KNY91, AT&T NS/EP station, Middletown, NJ. XRI was trying to pass a AMD message: 1650 UTC in USB ALE (2018AUG14) (JLM)

6778.0 USMC station DARKHORSE, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment (3/5), calling BEIRUT, probably the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment (1/8): 1922 UTC in USB ALE (2018AUG14) (JLM)

6892.5 & 11143.0 USMC stations CACTUSTACCHAT & ICEPACKTACCHAT attempting contact: 1516-1533 UTC in USB ALE (2018AUG14) (JLM)

9288.0 Russian military station (?) in CW net. Not sure if this is traffic "J=961 NÂWHCT4TGDIKGQ UG5Z CYEIÄAM" but it was a fairly weak signal: 2157 UTC in CW (2018AUG14) (JLM)

5330.5 US Army MARS stations 4KL (net control) 4RD, 4JD, 4QG, 4TA, TWS & AWP in a directed exercise net. Also using encrypted 600BPS data: 1419 UTC in USB voice & MIL-STD 188-110A data (2018AUG15) (JLM)

7477.0 KFO232 (net control), US Department of Veteran Affairs station, Alabama calling KFC607, US DVA, AL & KLM495, US DVA, AL. KGP831, US DVA, South Carolina calling KAZ597, DVA, Florida. No comms established during the time I heard the stations: 1545 UTC+ in USB voice (2018AUG15) (JLM)

6910.0 US Government/Military station Z7MG8 calling M5ZGB: 1702 UTC in USB ALE (2018AUG15) (JLM)

6845.0 NCS327, NCC Auxiliary, NY with clear-text 600BPS data message for a weak unid SHARES station. Data sent after voice contact was established. This is a SHARES Regional Network frequency: 1708 UTC in USB voice & MIL-STD 188-110A data (2018AUG15) (JLM)

6990.0 T2Z135, 2-135th GSAB (General Support Aviation Battalion), Colorado National Guard, Buckley AFB, Aurora, CO sounding here & on 7514.0, 7932.0, 8058.5, 10153.0 10362.0 & 11135.0: 1935 UTC+ in USB ALE (2018AUG15) (JLM)
Jack L. Metcalfe - Stanford, KY
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