Milcom Monitoring Post Profiles

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mil/Gov Field report - Jack in KY: 21 August 2018

Our good friend Jack in Kentucky checks in with another excellent set of intercepts from the Blue Grass state. Thanks Jack.

4882.5 Tennessee State Guard station NSG4AA working AAN4ZX & recommending net closure due to thunderstorms in the area. Voice net closed at 1411 UTC: 1400-1411 UTC in USB voice (2018AUG21) (JLM)

5760.0 & 7391.5 US HUD (Housing & Urban Development) station HUDCOOP1 calling US government stations KLE445 & KLE446: 1600 UTC in USB ALE (2018AUG21) (JLM)

4802.0 Unid station with encrypted 300BPS data. MARS stations & US Military stations heard here in recent years: 1702 UTC in USB MIL-STD 188-110A (2018AUG21) (JLM)

14484.0 BLUE FINCH & DESERT EAGLE (US Army MARS) in a comms check, both stations reported "good readable" as they were here: 1624 UTC in USB voice (2018AUG21) (JLM)

9031.0 E-6B aircraft ADVISABLE attempting to send data to FREE LAND & ROUND HAT (also E-6Bs) but having limited success. FREE LAND tried various settings before switching faulty equipment: 2025 UTC in USB voice & data (2018AUG21) (JLM)
Jack L. Metcalfe - Stanford, KY
RFSpace Cloud-IQ SDR (x2) & Icom IC-R75 (x2) HF receivers
Icom IC-R8500 HF/VHF/UHF receiver & Icom IC-R5 VHF/UHF receiver
Uniden BCD996T, Uniden BCD996XT & AOR-8200 VHF/UHF receivers
342' random wire & Wellbrook ALA1530LNP HF antennas
SAMCO SAM-360 Yagi, Kreco D-150AN & GP-151AN VHF/UHF antennas