Here is the latest US Army Skywatch Net information from Mark Cleary.
Last Update: 7-9-2008

Joint Task Force-Bravo is located at Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras. JTF-Bravo is comprised of approximately 550 US military personnel and more than 650 US and Honduran civilians. They work in six different areas including the Joint Staff, Air Force Forces (612th Air Base Squadron), Army Forces, Joint Security Forces and the Medical Element. 1st Battalion, 228th Aviation Regiment, a US Army South asset, is a tenant unit also based at Soto Cano.
The Air Force Forces has among its functions; weather forecasting, fire protection, and maintaining a 24-hour C-5-capable runway. The Army Forces operate finance, food service and transportation. Joint Security Forces is comprised of Air Force, Army and Marine force protection personnel who patrol the base and downtown areas frequented by US servicemembers.
Since 1999, the 1-228th "Winged Warriors" have assumed the complete role of a Theater Aviation Battalion. The total force structure consists of a Headquarters & Headquarters Company (Phantoms); Alpha Company (Talons) with 10x UH-60A aircraft; Bravo Company (Sugarbears) with 4x CH-47D aircraft; and the U.S. Army Air Ambulance Detachment (Witchdoctors) with 4x UH-60A aircraft. The Battalion's Command & Control Detachment (Nomads) supports U.S. Army South with 2x UH-60A (C2) aircraft.
The 1-228th Aviation Regiment Conducts Aviation Operations Throughout USSOUTHCOM's Area of Responsibility with UH-60 Black Hawk and CH-47 Chinook helicopters. The purpose of the battalion is to promote and execute aviation operations to facilitate the CINC SOUTH's strategy of engagement and security in the theater. The battalion is capable of deploying and sustaining operations throughout the theater. Typical missions conducted by the battalion include: counter drug operations, disaster relief, humanitarian assistance, air movement of people equipment and supplies, Aero-medical evacuation, and limited search and rescue. The command structure of the battalion is capable of exercising command and control for Commander, USARSO of army aviation assets deployed to the theater. In addition to these operational missions, the battalion participates in selected special events and VIP support missions.
Skywatch, the Army’s Airspace Infomation Center, monitors flights and provides timely communication to aircrews.
Their mission is to provide U.S Army South and U.S. Southern Command with direct flight support on all DoD and other government aircraft positioning 24 hours a day.
Skywatch maintains data for all aircraft operating within the visual flight rules of the USSOUTHCOM area of responsibility. They also assist in the coordination and tracking of all medical evacuations in Central America. These monitoring procedures are done through aircraft flight checks every 15 minutes while flights are in operation over the AOR and are maintained until aircraft reach their final destinations. Skywatch is manned with eight military members and eight civilians.
*Update: Two 1-228th UH-60As departed Soto Cano on 28 Jan. 05 to be turned over to the National Guard.
*Update: Three UH-60s were picked up at Soto Cano on 22 March 05 by a Russian An-124 Condor.

Voice: 5310.0, 8120.0 Tertiary, 11410.0 Primary, 15025.0, 15790.0 Secondary kHz
ALE: 2630, 4060, 5787.5, 6502.5, 6761, 6780, 7350, 7531.5, 7720, 8065, 8527.5, 8972, 9121.5, 9865, 10692.5, 11628.5, 12022, 14761.5, 15492, 16144.5, 19103.5, 19208 kHz
Unconfirmed: 3290.5, 4775.5, 5304.0, 5818.5, 9191.5, 10630.0, 10740.0, 12061.5 kHz
171OPS USA 1-171st AVN Ops, Dobbins JARB, GA (UH-60Ls, CH-47Ds) w/SKYWAT, R26601, R26606 2-9-06, 4-19-06
228FWD USA Deployed element, 1/228th Avn Bn 3-13-04, 3-16-04
228RER USA Deployed element, 1/228th Avn Bn
HONDO1 Unknown (Probable USA) w/SKYWAT 1-24-05, 2-11-05
HONDO2 Unknown (Probable USA) 2-8-05
HONDO3 Unknown (Probable USA) w/SKYWAT 3-1-05
NARCO Unknown w/RUH955, RUH960, SKYWAT, WAROPS 4-5-05, 10-26-06
OPS171 USA 1-171st AVN Ops, Dobbins JARB, GA (UH-60Ls, CH-47Ds) w/SKYWAT 2-7-06
R22988 USA UH-60A # 78-22988 w/SKYWAT 3-16-06
R26606 USA UH-60L # 95-26606 w/SKYWAT, 171OPS 3-10-06
R26881 USA UH-60L # 01-26681 w/SKYWAT 3-15-06, 3-22-06
RCH132 USA CH-47D 1-228th Avn Bn w/WAROPS 11-7-06
RCH134 USA CH-47D 1-228th Avn Bn
RCH136 USA CH-47D 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT 3-13-04, 2-3-05
RCH638 USA CH-47D 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT 10-7-05, 2-21-07
RUH006 USA UH-60 1-228th Avn Bn w/RUH962, WAROPS 3-9-05, 3-27-07
RUH955 USA UH-60L # 02-26955 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT, NARCO, WAROPS 1-19-05, 8-2-06
RUH956 USA UH-60L # 02-26956 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT 3-28-05, 3-16-06
RUH957 USA UH-60L # 02-26957 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT, WAROPS 1-12-05, 2-21-07
RUH958 USA UH-60L # 02-26958 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT 3-13-04, 4-12-06
RUH959 USA UH-60L # 02-26959 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT, WAROPS 3-13-04, 5-18-07
RUH960 USA UH-60L # 02-26960 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT, WAR, NARCO 1-26-05, 11-29-05
RUH962 USA UH-60 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT, RUH006 3-13-04, 11-9-05
RUH963 USA UH-60L # 02-26963 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT, WAROPS 1-12-05, 10-12-05
RUH976 USA UH-60 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT 2-8-05, 8-9-05
RUH978 USA UH-60 1-228th Avn Bn 8-18-05
RUH980 USA UH-60 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT, RUH984 1-13-05, 4-13-05
RUH981 USA UH-60 1-228th Avn Bn w/NARCO, SKYWAT, WAROPS 3-15-04, 8-16-07
RUH984 USA UH-60 1-228th Avn Bn w/WAROPS, SKYWAT, RUH980 11-16-04, 4-12-06
RUH985 USA UH-60L # 03-26985 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT 1-4-05, 9-5-06
RUH993 USA UH-60 1-228th Avn Bn w/SKYWAT 1-12-05
SKYWAT USA US Army South Flight Following Facility, Soto Cano AB, Honduras w/WAROPS, NARCO, 171OPS, OPS171
WAROPS USA Winged Warriors Operations, 1-228th Avn Bn, Soto Cano AB, Honduras w/NARCO, RCH132, RUH957, RUH959 3-13-04, 8-16-07