Legend Class National Security Cutter (NSC/WMSL) (under construction)
Length: 418 feet
Speed: 28 kts
Displacement: 4,300 tons
Range: 12,000 nautical miles
Propulsion: CODAG (Combined Diesel and Gas) 1 Gas Turbine, 2 Diesels/Bow Thruster
Endurance: 60 Days
Aircraft: (2) HH-60/HH-65 helicopters or (4) VUAV unmanned aircraft
Boats: (2) Long Range Interceptors operating up to 200 miles away from NSC and (1) Short Range Prosecutor
Crew (max): 18 Officers, 106 Enlisted
Armament: 57mm gun and MK 160 Gun Fire Control System, Close-In Weapons System with a SLQ-32 Electronic Warfare System, cruise-missile defenses with countermeasures consisting of SRBOC/NULKA chaff and rapid decoy launcher and Specific Emitter Identification (SEI) Sensor System that identifies other boats by their unique noise and radio waves. Will also include CBR defense capabilities. Four .50 cal machine guns also.
Cost per unit: $355 million
Planned Quantity: 6-8 cutters
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WMSL 750 Bertholf NBCQ Alameda, CA
WMSL 751 Waesche Alameda, CA
WMSL 752 Hamilton Alameda, CA 38% complete
WMSL 753 James
The NSC was designed to be the flagship of the fleet – capable of meeting all maritime security mission needs.The NSC contributes to Intelligence Collection/Information Sharing through a sophisticated S/SCIF, SEI sensors and increased data exchange bandwidth. The NSC’s Deepwater and DoD interoperability capabilities are enhanced with DHS- and local responderinteroperable radio communications. The NSC flight deck will accommodate all variants of DHS and DoD HH-60 helicopters to provide enhanced interoperability with interagency and inter-service counter-terrorism teams. The NSC will now be fully integrated with the National Distress Response Modernization Program, known as RESCUE 21, which will provide the port commanders with real-time tracking of the NSC and seamless Common Operational Picture/MDA data sharing, including the Automated Identification System (AIS). The NSC Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection suite will include underwater sonar that will allow the cutter to scan ports, approaches, facilities and high-value assets for underwater, minelike devices and detect swimmers. The cutter’s small arms mounts will be remote operated and fully integrated with the cutter’s radar and infrared sensors such that the cutter and high-value assets under its protection can be protected from a USS COLE-like incident. The Maritime Security Capabilities allow cutter’s weapons and command and control suite to be upgraded and hardened to better survive potential terrorist incidents and process increased data flow. This will include SRBOC/NULKA missile defense system with CIWS, SLQ-32, and a medium caliber deck gun (57MM) that will provide the ability to stop rogue merchant vessels far from shore. An integrated CBRNE Detection and Defense capability allows the NSC to remain on scene and operate in Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) scenarios.
Hamilton Class High-Endurance Cutter
Length: 378 feet
Speed: 29 kts
Displacement: 3,300 tons
Range: 9,000 nautical miles
Propulsion: CODAG (Combined Diesel and Gas) 2 Gas Turbines, 2 Diesels
Aircraft: 1 MH-68/HH-65 helicopter
Crew: 167
Years Built: 1967-1972
Armament: 76mm gun, 1 20mm Phalanx CIWS, cruise-missile defenses with countermeasures consisting of 2 SRBOC chaff and rapid decoy launchers. Two .50 caliber machine guns, 2 25mm Bushmaster guns.
Remarks: Large frigate-like patrol ships, intended for open-ocean, long-range operations. Equipped with SIPRNET. The 378-foot cutters typically operate 185 days away from home port per year. USCGC Muno is slated to change homeport to Kodiak in 2007.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WHEC 715 Hamilton NMAG San Diego, CA To decom FY11
WHEC 716 Dallas NPCR Charleston, SC
WHEC 717 Mellon NMEL Seattle, WA
WHEC 718 Chase NLPM San Diego, CA To decom FY11
WHEC 719 Boutwell NYCQ Alameda, CA
WHEC 720 Sherman NMMJ Alameda, CA
WHEC 721 Gallatin NJOR Charleston, SC
WHEC 722 Morgenthau NDWA Alameda, CA
WHEC 723 Rush NLVS Honolulu, HI To decom FY11
WHEC 724 Munro NGDF Kodiak, AK
WHEC 725 Jarvis NAQD Honolulu, HI To decom FY11
WHEC 726 Midgett NHWR Seattle, WA
Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC/WMSM)
Length: 320-360 feet
Displacement: 3,200 Tons
Speed: 22-25 kts
Range: 7,500 nautical miles
Propulsion: 4 Diesels
Endurance: 45 Days
Aircraft: 1 HH-65 or 2 HV-911
Boats: 2 LRI or 2 SRP
Crew: 16 Officers, 75 Enlisted
Armament: 57mm gun, MK15 CIWS, SLQ-32, SRBOC/NULKA
Number planned: 25
OPC will feature increased range and endurance (60–90 day patrol cycles); more powerful weapons; larger flight decks; chem-bio & radiological environmental hazard detection and defense; and improved C4ISR equipment. The cutters will be equipped with air and surface search radars and target classification sensors. The cutters’ mission influence will be extended by aircraft and a new generation of cutter boats.
The WMSM cutters will have stern ramp to accommodate small boat launch and recovery in higher sea states than conventional davit systems aboard legacy cutters. The new generation of cutter boats, including the Long Range Interceptor and Short Range Prosecutor, improve a cutter crew’s over-the-horizon and local force protection capabilities.
Famous Class Medium-Endurance Cutter
Length: 270 feet
Speed: 19 kts
Displacement: 1,800 tons
Range: 12,000 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Aircraft: 1 MH-68/HH-65 helicopter
Crew: 100
Years Built: 1983-1991
Armament: 76mm gun, cruise-missile defenses with countermeasures consisting of 2 SRBOC chaff and rapid decoy launchers and SLQ-32 EW system. Two .50 caliber machine guns.
Remarks: Multipurpose cutters designed for general patrol duties; fitted with a telescoping helicopter hangar. Designed for 14-day patrols, they are commonly forced to carry out 90-day patrols in the Caribbean. Equipped with ALE & SIPRNET.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WMEC 901 Bear NRKN Portsmouth, VA Returned from Caribbean 1-27-09
WMEC 902 Tampa NIKL Portsmouth, VA Returned from Caribbean 1-6-09
WMEC 903 Harriet Lane NHNC Portsmouth, VA
WMEC 904 Northland NLGF Portsmouth, VA
WMEC 905 Spencer NWHE Boston, MA
WMEC 906 Seneca NFMK Boston, MA
WMEC 907 Escanaba NNAS Boston, MA
WMEC 908 Tahoma NCBE Kittery, ME
WMEC 909 Campbell NRDC Kittery, ME
WMEC 910 Thetis NYWL Key West, FL
WMEC 911 Forward NICB Portsmoth, VA
WMEC 912 Legare NRPM Portsmouth, VA
WMEC 913 Mohawk NRUF Key West, FL
Reliance Class Medium-Endurance Cutter
Length: 210 feet
Speed: 18 kts
Displacement: 1,020 tons
Range: 12,000 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Aircraft: 1 MH-68/HH-65 helicopter
Crew: 75
Years Built: 1964-1969
Armament: 1 25mm gun, two .50 caliber machine guns.
Remarks: Equipped with SIPRNET.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WMEC 615 Reliance NJPJ Kittery, ME
WMEC 616 Diligence NMUD Wilmington, NC
WMEC 617 Vigilant NHIC Cape Canaveral, FL
WMEC 618 Active NRTF Port Angeles, WA
WMEC 619 Confidence NHKW Cape Canaveral, FL
WMEC 620 Resolute NRLT St. Petersburg, FL
WMEC 621 Valiant NVAI Miami Beach, FL
WMEC 623 Steadfast NSTF Astoria, OR
WMEC 624 Dauntless NDTS Galveston, TX
WMEC 625 Venturous NVES St. Petersburg, FL
WMEC 626 Dependable NOWK Cape May, NJ
WMEC 627 Vigorous NQSP Cape May, NJ
WMEC 629 Decisive NUHC Pascagoula, MS
WMEC 630 Alert NZVE Astoria, OR
Alex Haley Class Large Patrol Cutter
Length: 282 feet
Speed: 18 kts
Displacement: 3,000 tons
Range: 12,000 nautical miles
Propulsion: 4 Diesels
Aircraft: 1 MH-68/HH-65/HH-60J helicopter
Crew: 99
Built: 1971
Armament: 2 25mm guns, two .50 caliber machine guns.
Remarks: Former USN salvage tug transferred to USCG and converted to operate in Alaskan waters as a patrol and rescue ship. The conversion included addition of a helicopter deck aft. The ship retains a heavy towing capability, but most salvage gear was removed. A helo hangar has now been added.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WMEC 39 Alex Haley NZPO Kodiak, AK
Diver Class Patrol Cutter
Length: 213 feet
Speed: 15 kts
Displacement: 1,750 tons
Range: 9,000 nautical miles
Propulsion: 4 Diesels
Aircraft: none
Crew: 75
Built: 1944
Armament: Two .50 caliber machine guns.
Remarks: Sole survivor of six USN salvage ships and fleet tugs transferred to the USCG. Long overdue for replacement, but will continue in service for at least a few more years, in Alaskan waters. Conversion for USCG service included removal of all salvage and towing gear.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WMEC 167 Acushnet NNHA Kodiak, AK To Decomm in FY11.
Sentinel Class Fast Response Cutter
Length: 153 feet
Displacement: 353 tons
Speed: 28+ kts
Propulsion: 2 diesels
Endurance: 5 days
Aircraft: None
Boats: 1 SRP
Crew: 2 Officers, 20 Enlisted
Armament: 1-25mm remote chain gun, 4-.50 cal machine guns
Planned Quantity: 58 cutters
Remarks: Replacement for the 110-foot patrol boats. Damen 4708 design to be built by Bollinger Shipyards. To be delivered in 2010.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WPC 1101 Bernard C. Webber Miami Under contract
Cyclone Class Coastal Patrol Ships
Length: 179 feet
Speed: 35 kts
Displacement: 370 tons
Range: 2,000 nautical miles
Propulsion: 4 Diesels
Aircraft: none
Crew: 27
Built: 1993-2000
Armament: 1 25mm Bushmaster low-angle gun, 1 25mm Bushmaster/40mm grenade launcher, 1 Stinger SAM station (6 missiles), 1 40mm grenade launcher, 2 .50 cal machine guns, two 7.62mm machine guns
Remarks: The 179-foot Cyclone Class Patrol Coastal Boats will conduct Homeland Security, Search and Rescue and Law Enforcement operations in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. The Cyclone class patrol boats will fill a gap in Coast Guard resources at a time when the service's inventory of 110-foot patrol boats are being converted to 123-foot cutters and the rest of the fleet continues a historic, high operational tempo.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WPC 8 Zephyr NZEP San Diego, CA
WPC 13 Shamal NSHA Pascagoula, MS
WPC 14 Tornado Pascagoula, MS
123 Foot Island Class Patrol Boat (Decommissioned)
Length: 123 feet
Speed: 27 kts
Displacement: 176 tons
Range: 3,180 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Aircraft: none
Crew: 16
Built: 1986-1992
Armament: 1 25mm Bushmaster gun, two .50 cal machine guns
Remarks: General-purpose patrol boats, suited mainly for SAR and law enforcement. They have been extensively upgraded including lengthening to 123 feet with a stern-launch small boat facility, replacement of the superstructure, re-arrangment of internal spaces, and new electronics and communication gear. Conversion of 110 foot boats to 123 feet was stopped at 8 hulls. Carry 1 SRP boat.
All vessels are suffering from severe hull fatigue and are unable to make deployments. In February 2007 all the 123s were reported to be in Baltimore.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport
WPB 1302 Manitou NAEP Baltimore, MD
WPB 1303 Matagorda NBHW Baltimore, MD
WPB 1305 Monhegan NEGS Baltimore, MD
WPB 1306 Nunivak NHPX Baltimore, MD
WPB 1308 Vashon NJEH Baltimore, MD
WPB 1317 Attu NABS Baltimore, MD
WPB 1325 Metompkin NBKZ Baltimore, MD
WPB 1328 Padre NDCX Baltimore, MD
110 Foot Island Class Patrol Boat
Length: 110 feet
Speed: 29 kts
Displacement: 154 tons
Range: 1,900 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Aircraft: none
Crew: 16
Built: 1986-1992
Armament: 1 25mm Bushmaster gun, two .50 cal machine guns
Remarks: General-purpose patrol boats, suited mainly for SAR and law enforcement. They were constructed in three batches, with various impovements and changes. Although intended for 10-14 day local patrols, they are making Caribbean patrols of up to 60 days. Planned for a service life of only 15 years. Conversion of 110 foot boats to 123 feet was stopped at 8 hulls.
The 110' cutters are slated for Mission Effectiveness Program (MEP) updates which will add 15 years to their life. All the 110’ MEP cutters receive hull renewal plus electronics upgrades, renewed electric cabling, new ship surface diesel generator and switchboard replacement, the FM-200 fire suppression installation, gyrocompass & autopilot installation, and the main diesel engine control replacement.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WPB 1301 Farallon NABK Miami Beach, FL MEP modified
WPB 1304 Maui NBEI Miami Beach, FL Deployed to CENTCOM
WPB 1307 Ocracoke NGBL St. Petersburg, FL MEP modified
WPB 1309 Aquidneck NBTC Atlantic Beach, NC Deployed to CENTCOM
WPB 1310 Mustang NJSH Seward, AK
WPB 1311 Naushon NEWR Ketchikan, AK MEP modified
WPB 1312 Sanibel NDCK Woods Hole, MA MEP modified
WPB 1313 Edisto NLKY San Diego, CA MEP modified
WPB 1314 Sapelo NHKD San Juan, PR
WPB 1315 Matinicus NDIS San Juan, PR
WPB 1316 Nantucket NKVQ St. Petersburg, FL MEP modified
WPB 1318 Baranof NCUI Miami Beach, FL Deployed to CENTCOM
WPB 1319 Chandeleur NFFS Miami Beach, FL
WPB 1320 Chincoteague NAOI San Juan, PR MEP modified
WPB 1321 Cushing NOFR San Juan, PR MEP modified
WPB 1322 Cuttyhunk NEDI Port Angeles, WA MEP modified
WPB 1323 Drummond NHSD Miami Beach, FL
WPB 1324 Key Largo NGEI San Juan, PR
WPB 1326 Monomoy NKEC Woods Hole, MA Deployed to CENTCOM
WPB 1327 Orcas NTBZ Coos Bay, OR
WPB 1329 Sitkinak NBNW Miami Beach, FL MEP modified
WPB 1330 Tybee NERH Woods Hole, MA MEP modified
WPB 1331 Washington NVMJ Apra Harbor, Guam
WPB 1332 Wrangell NFWC South Portland, ME Deployed to CENTCOM
WPB 1333 Adak NZRW Sandy Hook, NJ Deployed to CENTCOM
WPB 1334 Liberty NJHT Auke Bay, AK
WPB 1335 Anacapa NEXY Petersburg, AK MEP modified
WPB 1336 Kiska NUSF Hilo, HI
WPB 1337 Assateague NDRV Apra Harbor, Guam
WPB 1338 Grand Isle NABD Gloucester, MA
WPB 1339 Key Biscayne NGYS Key West, FL
WPB 1340 Jefferson Island NORW South Portland, ME
WPB 1341 Kodiak Island NWHD Key West, FL
WPB 1342 Long Island NOQU Valdez, AK
WPB 1343 Bainbridge Island NLIL Sandy Hook, NJ
WPB 1344 Block Island NPBB Atlantic Beach, NC
WPB 1345 Staten Island NSEL Atlantic Beach, NC
WPB 1346 Roanoke Island NEXP Homer, AK
WPB 1347 Pea Island NCSR Key West, FL
WPB 1348 Knight Island NMFN Key West, FL
WPB 1349 Galveston Island NRLP Honolulu, HI
87 Foot Marine Protector Class Patrol Boat
Length: 87 feet
Speed: 25 kts
Displacement: 91 tons
Range: 900 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Aircraft: none
Crew: 10
Built: 1998-2005
Armament: Two .50 cal machine guns
Remarks: The newly designed 87' Coastal Patrol Boat has several enhancements over the aging 82s, including improved mission sea keeping abilities (up to sea state 5) and significantly upgraded habitability.It also employs an innovative stern launch and recovery system using an Aluminum hulled inboard diesel powered waterjet small boat. The vastly larger pilot house is equipped with an integrated bridge system including an electronic chart display system (ECDIS) which interfaces with the CG’s new surface search radar. SWIII computers along with a fiber optic network will also be installed, allowing the crew to access the vessel’s CD-ROM tech pubs and drawings.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WPB 87301 Barracuda NIUD Eureka, CA
WPB 87302 Hammerhead NHAM Woods Hole, MA
WPB 87303 Mako NYVC Cape May, NJ
WPB 87304 Marlin NJZP Ft. Meyers, FL
WPB 87305 Stingray NBRG Mobile, AL
WPB 87306 Dorado NJEC Crescent City, CA
WPB 87307 Osprey NBRF Port Townsend, WA
WPB 87308 Chinook NZPU New London, CT
WPB 87309 Albacore NZRG Little Creek, VA
WPB 87310 Tarpon NTWX Tybee Island, GA
WPB 87311 Cobia NTXJ Mobile, AL
WPB 87312 Hawksbill NTXR Monterey, CA
WPB 87313 Cormorant NTMF Ft. Pierce, FL
WPB 87314 Finback NTMR Cape May, NJ
WPB 87315 Amberjack NTMV Port Isabel, TX
WPB 87316 Kittiwake NTNL Nawiliwili, HI
WPB 87317 Blackfin NTQA Santa Barbara, CA
WPB 87318 Bluefin NRKI Ft. Pierce, FL
WPB 87319 Yellowfin NRKG Charleston, SC
WPB 87320 Manta NRKD Freeport, TX
WPB 87321 Coho NARU Panama City, FL
WPB 87322 Kingfisher NPAL Mayport, FL
WPB 87323 Seahawk NZTM Carrabelle, FL
WPB 87324 Steelhead NITU Port Aransas, TX
WPB 87325 Beluga NZSR Little Creek, VA
WPB 87326 Blacktip NMHU Oxnard, CA
WPB 87327 Pelican NFSH Abbeville, LA
WPB 87328 Ridley NRDD Montauk, NY
WPB 87329 Cochito NDCV Little Creek, VA
WPB 87330 Man-O-War NJQA Galveston, TX
WPB 87331 Moray NJZP Jonesport, ME
WPB 87332 Razorbill NJSJ Gulfport, MS
WPB 87333 Adelie NTRK Port Angeles, WA
WPB 87334 Gannet NUGW Fort Lauderdale, FL
WPB 87335 Narwhal NTHA Corona Del Mar, CA
WPB 87336 Sturgeon NTGT Grand Isle, LA
WPB 87337 Sockeye NAVC Bodega Bay, CA
WPB 87338 Ibis NWBC Cape May, NJ
WPB 87339 Pompano NVIP Gulfport, MS
WPB 87340 Halibut NNGH Marina Del Rey, CA
WPB 87341 Bonito NNGB Pensacola, FL
WPB 87342 Shrike NPBG Port Canaveral, FL
WPB 87343 Tern NEOT San Franscisco, CA
WPB 87344 Heron NEPM Sabine, TX
WPB 87345 Wahoo NEOB Port Angeles, WA
WPB 87346 Flying Fish NAXN Boston, MA
WPB 87347 Haddock NAXP San Diego, CA
WPB 87348 Brant NAYS Corpus Christi, TX
WPB 87349 Shearwater NAYT Portsmouth, VA
WPB 87350 Petrel NAYU San Diego, CA
WPB 87352 Sea Lion Bellingham, WA
WPB 87353 Skipjack NFOY Galveston, TX
WPB 87354 Dolphin NAYL Miami, FL
WPB 87355 Hawk NAWH St. Petersburg, FL
WPB 87356 Sailfish NCNF Sandy Hook, NJ
WPB 87357 Sawfish NBCU Key West, FL
WPB 87358 Swordfish NMXB Port Angeles, WA
WPB 87359 Tiger Shark Newport, RI
WPB 87360 Blue Shark Everett, WA
WPB 87361 Sea Horse Portsmouth, VA
WPB 87362 Sea Otter NJOM San Diego, CA
WPB 87363 Manatee Ingleside, TX
WPB 87364 Ahi Honolulu, HI
WPB 87365 Pike San Francisco, CA
WPB 87366 Terrapin NUOA Bellingham, WA
WPB 87367 Sea Dragon NNGC Kings Bay, GA Assigned to MFPU Kings Bay, GA
WPB 87368 Sea Devil NSDD Bangor, WA
WPB 87369 Alligator St. Petersburg, FL
WPB 87370 Diamondback Miami, FL
WPB 87371 Reef Shark San Juan, PR
WPB 87372 Crocodile St. Petersburg, FL
WPB 87373 Sea Dog Kings Bay, GA Assigned to MFPU Kings Bay, GA
WPB 87374 Sea Fox
Healy Class Icebreaker

Length: 420 feet
Speed: 17 kts
Displacement: 16,400 tons
Range: 16,000 nautical miles
Propulsion: 4 Diesels
Aircraft: 2 HH-65s
Crew: 75
Built: 1999
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WAGB 20 Healy NEPP Seattle, WA
Polar Class Icebreaker

Length: 399 feet
Speed: 20 kts
Displacement: 16,400 tons
Range: 28,000 nautical miles
Propulsion: 3 Gas Turbines, 6 Diesels
Aircraft: 2 HH-65s
Crew: 134
Built: 1976
Armament: none
Remarks: These cutters, specifically designed for open-water icebreaking have reinforced hulls, special icebreaking bows, and a system that allows rapid shifting of ballast to increase the effectiveness of their icebreaking. They serve in Arctic/Antarctic serving science and research as well as providing supplies to remote stations. Both Polar Class icebreakers are under the control of Pacific Area, Ice Operations Section.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WAGB 10 Polar Star NBTM Seattle, WA
WAGB 11 Polar Sea NRUO Seattle, WA
Great Lakes Class Icebreaker

Length: 240 feet
Speed: 15 kts
Displacement: 3,500 tons
Range: 4,000 nautical miles
Propulsion: 3 Diesels, Bow Thruster
Aircraft: none
Crew: 50
Built: 2005
Armament: none
Remarks: A new icebreaker to replace the current Mackinaw. A dual icebreaker/buoy tender combination.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WLBB 30 Mackinaw NBGB Cheboygan, MI
Juniper Class Seagoing Buoy Tender

Length: 225 feet
Speed: 15 kts
Displacement: 2,000 tons
Range: 6,000 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Crew: 40
Built: 1996-2004
Armament: Two .50 cal machine guns
Remarks: These are large, highly capable, multirole ships. There is a 15-ton hydraulic crane forward and there is a built-in oil spill recovery system. 45 day endurance. Capable of operations in 8-foot seas. Freshwater icebreaking capability. The 225' WLB is equipped with a single controllable pitch propeller, bow and stern thrusters which give the cutter the maneuverability it needs to tend buoys offshore and in restricted waters. Some are ALE equipped.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WLB 201 Juniper NDBC Newport, RI
WLB 202 Willow Newport, RI
WLB 203 Kukui NKJU Honolulu, HI
WLB 204 Elm NRPK Atlantic Beach, NC
WLB 205 Walnut NZNE Honolulu, HI
WLB 206 Spar NJAR Kodiak, AK
WLB 207 Maple NWBE Sitka, AK
WLB 208 Aspen NTUG San Franscisco, CA
WLB 209 Sycamore NTGG Cordova, AK
WLB 210 Cypress NCPI Mobile, AL
WLB 211 Oak NAXQ Charleston, SC
WLB 212 Hickory NAZJ Homer, AK
WLB 213 Fir NAYV Astoria, OR
WLB 214 Hollyhock NHHF Port Huron, MI
WLB 215 Sequoia NBHF Apra Harbor, Guam
WLB 216 Alder NGML Duluth, MI
Keeper Class Coastal Buoy Tender
Length: 175 feet
Speed: 12 kts
Displacement: 840 tons
Range: 2,000 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels, 2 Z-Drives
Crew: 24
Built: 1996-2000
Remarks: Scaled-down version of the Juniper class with a 10 ton hydraulic crane forward; freshwater icebreaking capability, and oil spill recovery system. They are the first Coast Guard cutters equipped with Z-Drive propulsion units instead of the standard propeller and rudder configuration. They are designed to independently rotate 360 degrees. Combined with a thruster in the bow, they give the Keeper -class cutters unmatched maneuverability.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WLM 551 Ida Lewis NISS Newport, RI
WLM 552 Katherine Walker NKFW Bayonne, NJ
WLM 553 Abbie Burgess NVAF Rockland, ME
WLM 554 Marcus Hanna NMGH South Portland, ME
WLM 555 James Rankin NUVD Baltimore, MD
WLM 556 Joshua Appleby NJTH St. Petersburg, FL
WLM 557 Frank Drew NKDL Portsmouth, VA
WLM 558 Anthony Petit NERW Ketchikan, AK
WLM 559 Barbara Mabrity NERA Mobile, AL
WLM 560 William Tate NNIA Philadelphia, PA
WLM 561 Harry Claiborne NNIC Galveston, TX
WLM 562 Maria Bray Mayport, FL
WLM 563 Henry Blake Seattle, WA
WLM 564 George Cobb San Pedro, CA
100 Foot Inland Buoy Tender
Length: 100 feet
Speed: 10 kts
Displacement: 226 tons
Range: 2,700 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Crew: 15
Built: 1945, 1964
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WLI 313 Bluebell NODD Portland, OR
WLI 642 Buckthorn NADT Sault St. Marie, MI
65 Foot Inland Buoy Tender
Length: 65 feet
Speed: 10 kts
Displacement: 70 tons
Range: 1,300 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Crew: 8
Built: 1946-1954
Hull Name Homeport Remarks
WLI 65303 Blackberry Long Beach, NC Decom in FY 09
WLI 65400 Bayberry Portsmouth, VA Mothballed 12-6-05
WLI 65401 Elderberry Petersburg, AK
160 Foot Inland Construction Tender
Length: 160 feet
Speed: 11 kts
Displacement: 460 tons
Range: 5,350 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Crew: 14
Built: 1976-1977
Remarks: Large, modern inland construction tenders. Self-contained ships, not requiring a separate work barge; they have a large crane on a long working deck.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WLIC 800 Pamlico NAYE New Orleans, LA
WLIC 801 Hudson NCWX Miami, FL
WLIC 802 Kennebec NRDJ Portsmouth, VA
WLIC 803 Saginaw NJOY Mobile, AL
100 Foot Inland Construction Tender
Length: 100 feet
Speed: 10 kts
Displacement: 218 tons
Range: 2,700 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Crew: 14
Built: 1944
Remarks: Smilax pushes a 70' construction barge.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WLIC 315 Smilax NRYN Atlantic Beach, NC
75 Foot Inland Construction Tender
Length: 75 feet
Speed: 9 kts
Displacement: 140 tons
Range: 2,500 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Crew: 13
Built: 1962-1966
Remarks: The 75' WLICs push 68' and 84' construction barges. The barges are equipped with cranes and other ATON equipment to drive piles and work the smaller sized buoys.
Hull Name Homeport Remarks
WLIC 75301 Anvil Charleston, SC
WLIC 75302 Hammer Mayport, FL
WLIC 75303 Sledge Baltimore, MD
WLIC 75304 Mallet Corpus Christi, TX
WLIC 75305 Vise St. Petersburg, FL
WLIC 75306 Clamp Galveston, TX
WLIC 75309 Hatchet Galveston, TX
WLIC 75310 Axe Mobile, AL
65 Foot River Buoy Tender
Length: 65 feet
Speed: 10 kts
Displacement: 146 tons
Range: 3,500 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Crew: 12
Built: 1960-1962
Remarks: Tug-type tenders for the western rivers; each pushes a buoy barge.
Hull Name Homeport Remarks
WLR 65501 Ouachita Chattanooga, TN
WLR 65502 Cimarron Paris Landing, TN
WLR 65503 Obion Owensboro, KY
WLR 65504 Scioto Keokuk, IA
WLR 65505 Osage Sewickley, PA
WLR 65506 Sangamon Peoria, IL
75 Foot River Buoy Tender
Length: 75 feet
Speed: 10 kts
Displacement: 150 tons
Range: 3,100 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Crew: 19
Built: 1964-1970
Remarks: Tug-type tenders for the western rivers; each pushes a 90 foot barge.
Hull Name Homeport Remarks
WLR 75307 Wedge Demopolis, AL
WLR 75401 Gasconade Omaha, NE
WLR 75402 Muskingum Sallisaw, OK
WLR 75403 Wyaconda Dubuque, IA
WLR 75404 Chippewa Paris Landing, TN
WLR 75405 Cheyenne St. Louis, MO
WLR 75406 Kickapoo Vicksburg, MS
WLR 75407 Kanawha Pine Bluff, AR
WLR 75408 Patoka Greenville, MS
WLR 75409 Chena Hickman, KY
Kankakee Class 75 Foot River Buoy Tender
Length: 75 feet
Speed: 12 kts
Displacement: 172 tons
Range: 3,100 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Crew: 19
Built: 1990
Remarks: New tug-type tenders. Push 130 foot buoy barges.
Hull Name Homeport Remarks
WLR 75500 Kankakee Memphis, TN
WLR 75501 Greenbrier Natchez, MS
49 Foot Stern Loading Buoy Boat
Length: 49 feet
Speed: 10 kts
Displacement: 36 tons
Range: 300 miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Endurance: 4 days
Crew: 4
Built: 1997-2002
Remarks: The BUSL fleet was constructed at the Coast Guard Yard in Baltimore, MD. They are designed to provide a stable, versatile platform capable of operating in ocean harbors, major lakes, or navigable rivers, and can recover short range aids to navigation items. Their A-frame crane is rated at 4,500 lbs.
Hull Homeport Remarks
BUSL 49401 ANT Bristol
BUSL 49402 ANT Sledge/Baltimore
BUSL 49403 ANT Woods Hole
BUSL 49404 ANT Saugerties
BUSL 49405 ANT New York
BUSL 49406 ANT Moriches
BUSL 49407 ANT Cape May
BUSL 49408 ANT Charleston
BUSL 49409 ANT New York
BUSL 49410 ANT Long Island Sound
BUSL 49411 ANT Long Island Sound
BUSL 49412 ANT Grand Haven
BUSL 49413 ANT Buffalo
BUSL 49414 STA Burlington
BUSL 49415 ANT Panama City
BUSL 49416 ANT Jacksonville
BUSL 49417 ANT Boston
BUSL 49418 ANT Boston
BUSL 49419 ANT South Portland
BUSL 49420 ANT South Portland
BUSL 49421 ANT Southwest Harbor
BUSL 49422 ANT Saginaw River
BUSL 49423 ANT Duluth
BUSL 49424 ANT Detroit
BUSL 49425 ANT Crisfield
BUSL 49426 ANT Corpus Christi
BUSL 49427 ANT Bristol
BUSL 49428 ANT Sledge/Baltimore
55 Foot Aid-to-Navigation Boat
Length: 55 feet
Speed: 21.5 kts
Displacement: 34 tons
Range: 175 miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Endurance: 4-5 days
Crew: 4
Built: 1977-1988
Remarks: The 55-foot boats service small buoys and service fixed structures. They have a lifting capacity of 2,000/3,000 lbs and a cargo capacity of 8,000 lbs. The boats are designed for live-aboard and have small repair shops for repairing ATONS while underway.
Hull Homeport Remarks
ANB 55101
ANB 55102
ANB 55103 Galveston TX
ANB 55104
ANB 55105
ANB 55106
ANB 55107 ANT Seattle
ANB 55108 ANT New Orleans LA
ANB 55109 ANT Fort Macon, NC
ANB 55110 Sabine Pass, TX
ANB 55111
ANB 55112
ANB 55113
ANB 55114
ANB 55115 ANT Philadelphia, PA
ANB 55116
ANB 55117
ANB 55118
ANB 55119
ANB 55120
ANB 55121
ANB 55122
Bay Class Icebreaking Tug
Length: 140 feet
Speed: 14 kts
Displacement: 690 tons
Range: 1,500 nautical miles
Propulsion: 2 Diesels
Aircraft: none
Crew: 17
Built: 1979-1988
Armament: 2 machine guns
Remarks: The 140-foot Bay-class Cutters are state of the art icebreakers used primarily for domestic ice breaking duties. They are named after American Bays and are stationed mainly in Northeast U.S. and Great Lakes. WTGBs use a low-pressure-air hull lubrication or bubbler system that forces air and water between the hull and ice. This system improves icebreaking capabilities by reducing resistance against the hull, reducing horsepower requirements. ALE equipped.
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WTGB 101 Katamai Bay NRLX Sault St. Marie, MI
WTGB 102 Bristol Bay NRLY Detroit, MI
WTGB 103 Mobile Bay NRUR Sturgeon Bay, WI
WTGB 104 Biscayne Bay NRUS St. Ignace, MI
WTGB 105 Neah Bay NRUU Cleveland, MI
WTGB 106 Morro Bay NMHK New London, CT
WTGB 107 Penobscot Bay NIGY Bayonne, NJ
WTGB 108 Thunder Bay NNTB Rockland, ME
WTGB 109 Sturegon Bay NSXB Bayonne, NJ
65 Foot Harbor Tugs
Length: 65 feet
Speed: 10 kts
Displacement: 72 tons
Range: 2,700 nautical miles
Propulsion: 1 Diesel
Crew: 6
Built: 1961-1967
Remarks: They are employed only on the east coast, from Maine to Virginia.
Hull Name Homeport Remarks
WYTL 65601 Capstan Philadelphia, PA
WYTL 65602 Chock Portsmouth, VA
WYTL 65604 Tackle Crisfield, MD
WYTL 65607 Bridle Southwest Harbor, ME
WYTL 65608 Pendant Boston, MA
WYTL 65609 Shackle South Portland, ME
WYTL 65610 Hawser Bayonne, NJ
WYTL 65611 Line Bayonne, NJ
WYTL 65612 Wire Saugerties, NY
WYTL 65614 Bollard New Haven, CT
WYTL 65615 Cleat Philadelphia, PA
Eagle Training Barque

Length: 295 feet
Speed: 10-18 kts
Displacement: 1,816 tons
Range: 5,450 nautical miles
Propulsion: 1 Diesel
Crew: 50 + 150
Built: 1936
Remarks: Coast Guard Academy training ship
Hull Name INT. C/S Homeport Remarks
WIX 327 Eagle NRCB New London, CT
Long Range Interceptor
Length: 35 feet
Displacement: 6.5 Tons
Speed: 45 kts
Range: 400NM
Endurance: 10 Hours
Crew: 14
Armament: Machine Gun
Cost per unit: $.7 million
Planned Quantity: 33
The new 35-feet Long Ranger Interceptor (LRI) are being introduced for the Deepwater cutters. The quantity of LRIs are planned to compose a smaller part of Deepwater’s final strength in a trade off with the Short Range Prosecutor that maximizes the utility of these two small boat assets. The LRI will now receive critical DHS and DoD C4ISR interoperability improvements including MILSATCOM. The LRI provides the ability for a cutter to deploy an armed boarding or counter-terrorism team over the horizon, up to 100NM from the cutter at speeds of 45kts or more. The enclosed cabin of the boat will provide crew protection for up to 10 hours thereby increasing operational presence and deterrence in security situations. The bow-mounted M242 machine gun provides visible deterrence and stopping power against maritime targets.
Recently, the LRI successfully completed an interoperability test with USCGC BERTHOF. The Lockheed Martin C4ISR team demonstrated communications and navigation interoperability between the LRI and Bertholf at ranges up to 16 nautical miles. The LRI is currently involved with Berthof’s machinery trials.
Short Range Prosecutor (SRP)
Length: 25 feet
Displacement: 9 Tons
Speed: 32 kts
Range: 200NM
Endurance: 4 Hours
Crew: 2 + 8 PAX
Armament: Small Arms
Cost per unit: $.3 million
Quantity: 8
The SRP provides the capability to deploy armed boarding teams within 20 miles of the parent cutter at speeds of 32 knots. The SRP can exchange data with the parent cutter, thereby maintaining a coordinated response posture and respond quickly to security zone breaches.
The eighth SRP was delivered in January 2006. Production of SRPs was discontinued with the end of the 123-foot cutter conversion program.
47-foot Motor Lifeboat
Length: 47 feet
Remarks: The 47' motor lifeboat is designed as a first response rescue resource in high seas, surf & heavy weather environments. They are built to withstand the most severe conditions at sea and are capable of effecting a rescue at sea even under the most difficult circumstances. They are self-bailing, self-righting, almost unsinkable, and have a long cruising radius for their size. If overturned, the vessel will return to an upright position in 30 seconds or less. It is the replacement for the aging 44' MLB fleet.
There are (presently) 117 operational. The total, to be delivered over 5 years, will be 200.
Hull Homeport Remarks
47303 Gloucester
47219 Point Allerton
47243 Provincetown
47259 Gloucester
47322 Canal Station
45-foot Response Boat-Medium
Length: 45 feet
Speed: 42.5 kts
Range: 250 NM
Remarks: To replace the 41-foot boats in service. 180 to 250 boats planned between 2008 and 2018. Built by Marinette Marine.
Hull Homeport Remarks
45601 Little Creek, VA
45602 Ilwaco, WA
45603 Key West, Florida
45604 Milwaukee, Wisconsin
45605 New York, New York
45606 Port Aransas, Texas
45607 Yorktown, VA
45608 Boston, MA
45609 San Juan, PR
45613 Maui, HI
45615 Little Creek, VA
45617 Port Canaveral, FL
45618 Galveston, TX
45620 Castle Hill, RI
45622 New York, New York
45626 Belle Isle, MI
45628 Duluth, MN
44-foot Response Boat-Medium
Length: 44 feet
Engines: Dual inboard jets
Remarks: ArchAngel model SAFE Boat.
Hull Homeport Remarks
44301 Chatham, MA
42-foot Response Boat-Medium
Length: 42 feet
Engines: Dual inboard jets
Remarks: ArchAngel model SAFE Boat.
Hull Homeport Remarks
42001 Chatham, MA
42002 Chatham, MA
41-foot Utility Boat
The 41' UTB is the general workhorse at multi-mission units. It is designed to operate under moderate weather and sea conditions where its speed and maneuverability make it an ideal platform for a variety of missions.
There are presently 172 operational boats.
41320 Boston, MA
41361 Charleston, SC
41372 Charleston, SC
41395 Castle Hill, RI
41398 Point Allerton
41428 Tybee Island, GA
41492 Point Allerton
33-foot Full Cabin SAFE Response Boat
Engines: Three outboards
Hull Homeport Remarks
33107 South Padre Island, TX
33109 Miami, FL
33118 San Diego, CA
27-foot Full Cabin SAFE Boat
Engines: Two outboards
Hull Homeport Remarks
Defender Class Response Boat-Small
Length: 25 feet
Engines: Two 225 HP Four-stroke Gas Honda engines
Max Speed: 45+ knot
Cruising range of 50NM at 35 knots
Minimum crew of 2
Max seas of 6 ft
Survivable in up to 10 ft seas
Armament: Small Arms
Remarks: Developed in a direct response to the need for additional Homeland Security assets in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks, the Defender Class boats were procured under an emergency acquisition authority. With a contract for up to 700 standard response boats, the Defender Class acquisition is one of the largest boat buys of its type in the world. The 100 boat Defender A Class (RB-HS) fleet began arriving at units in May 2002 and continued through August 2003. After several configuration changes, most notably a longer cabin and shock mitigating rear seats, the Defender B Class (RB-S) boats were born. This fleet was first delivered to the field in Oct 2003, and there are currently 357 RB-S boats in operation.
The 457 Defender Class boats currently in operation are assigned to the Coast Guards Maritime Safety and Security Teams (MSST), Maritime Security Response Team (MSRT), Marine Safety Units (MSU), and Small Boat Stations throughout the Coast Guard. With an overall length of 25 feet, two 225 horsepower outboard engines, unique turning radius, and gun mounts boat forward and aft, the Defender Class boats are the ultimate waterborne assets for conducting fast and high speed maneuvering tactics in a small deployable package. This is evidenced in the fact that several Defender Class boats are already in operation by other Homeland Security Department agencies as well as foreign military services for their homeland security missions.
25402 Boston, MA
25445 Gloucester, MA
25459 Boston, MA
25466 Castle Hill, RI
255059 Tybee Island, GA
255091 Boston, MA
25525 Georgetown, SC
25594 Point Allerton
25595 Point Allerton
25629 Gloucester, MA
25642 Point Allerton
25651 Charleston, SC
25652 Tybee Island, GA
25657 Georgetown, SC
25689 Charleston, SC
25727 Boston, MA
25764 Boston, MA
26140 Tybee Island, GA
26163 Tybee Island, GA
23-foot Center Console Response Boat-Small
23 foot center console SAFE Boat.
Remarks: With a low center of gravity and very little windage the center consoles allow for a wide verity of missions to be easily completed.
Hull Homeport Remarks
23-foot T-top Response Boat-Small
23 foot SAFE Boat.
Hull Homeport Remarks
Guardian Class Transportable Port Security Boats
Length: 24' 7"
Beam: 8' 0"
Draft: 39"
Engines: Twin outboards
NOTE: USCG Cutters assigned to inland waterways are not assigned international callsigns. International callsigns double as ALE addresses for cutters equipped with ALE.
Deployable Operations Group
The Deployable Operations Group aligns all Coast Guard deployable, specialized forces under a single, unified command which provides organized, equipped, and trained forces to Coast Guard and interagency operational and tactical commanders.
Deployable specialized forces are comprised of approximately 3,000 Coast Guard personnel from 12 Maritime Safety and Security Teams, the Maritime Security Response Team, two Tactical Law Enforcement Teams, eight Port Security Units, three National Strike Teams and the National Strike Force Coordination Center.
The Deployable Operations Group is temporarily sited in Arlington, Va., and is staffed by 101 active duty officers, enlisted, reservists, auxiliary and civilians.