1. Greece Freq: 7868.0 USB
Freqs: 8109.0 USB
HQ4 calling GANOB06--Egyptian military.
2. Canada Freqs: 11196.0 USB
NOJ (USCG ComSta Kodiak AK) calling 714 (USCG HC-130H7 #1714 CGAS Kodiak AK).
J15 (USCG MH-60T #6015 CGAS Elizabeth City NC) calling J32 (USCG MH-60T #6032 CGAS Sitka AK)
3. Bonaire Freqs: 6335.0 LSB
8DV9 (Venezuelan Navy Capana class LST “Los Llanos "(T-64) calling 2KZ9 (poss Commander Amphibious Support & Auxiliaries (LST) Squadron)
Russian Military ((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))
Logs from KiwiSDR in Greece
08237.0 1355Z Debyutant (Russian Navy Med Det vessel) USB R/Cs w/Bussol
(Russian Navy Med Det control)
08237.0 1422Z Redaktsiya (Russian Navy Med Det vessel) USB w/Bussol
reporting fuel remaining
08237.0 1430Z Bussol USB calling Redaktsiya w/no response. Debyutant
08237.0 1438Z Bussol USB calling Neytron (Russian Navy Med Det vessel)
w/no response.
08237.0 1445Z Bussol USB w/Debyutant advises that the "big one (Bolshoy)"
isn't working.
08237.0 1506Z Debyutant USB calling Neytron w/no response.
04149.0 1700Z Bussol USB w/unheard stn QSL'ing for msg #54.
04149.0 1702Z Neytron USB w/Bussol QSL'ing for #2460
04149.0 1719Z Bussol USB w/Maksira (Russian Navy Med Det vessel) QSL'ing
for msg.
04149.0 1928Z Bussol USB calling ?Rostov? (Russian Navy Med Det vessel)
& Redaktsiya w/no
responses.Ron Utility Monitoring from Maryland, USA (390747N 763711W Grid FM19qd) Various online SDRs