Tim Lemmon, WK4U, and Shane Kelley, KF4TJY, attended a couple of airshow last weekend and sent along the following monitor report and pictures. Pictures are copyright by Shane Kelley and reprinted here on the blog with his permission. Many thanks to Shane and Tim for sharing with my Milcom blog readers.
SATURDAY (Charleston Air Show):
Air boss operating on 119.3 AM. Most civilian acts using this frequency.
143.700 AM
235.250 AM
216.725 AM (and perhaps digital). This frequency was on and off during the show. When on, it was mostly a hashing sound as if something digital. I honestly don't know what P25 sounds like, so perhaps that's what it was. When the Thunderbird's started, this frequency switched to the PA system (music mostly).
216.975 digital only (I think). Again, this frequency was on and off with signals, but never heard anything in the analog mode.
413.275 AM
Military demo aircraft:
376.025 AM (FA-18 demo)
Golden Nights:
123.475 AM (mostly comms between ground stations and their aircraft in the air. I never heard anything from paratroopers directly).
SUNDAY (Vidalia Air Show):
Air boss operating on 126.05 AM.
Civilian demo:
123.150 AM Tim Webber (also used when he was doing a "dueling acrobatics" display with another pilot)
Blue Angels:
237.800 AM
275.350 AM
284.250 AM
305.500 AM
346.500 AM (used mostly for weather updates between weather guys and Blues ground support)
139.8125 NFM
142.6125 NFM