Just a reminder to those of you who drag your scanner to airshows. We really need your airshow reports to help us compile the next annual MT Airshow column/report. We make this information available for free on our website as a public service to the radio hobby community.
Even if you go to an airshow and the freqs you hear are already on our list, send us that report anyway. I use everything we receive as part of the verification process when I compile the next edition. These type of usage reports help me keep or delete frequencies, especially those that are no longer being used at airshows. No report is to big or little.
Our list for this year is posted on the MT website (link on this page), it is current and up-to-date through the airshows that we received reports from last weekend. We have seen NO frequency changes for any of the major military flight demo teams this airshow season. So the next time someone on your favorite scanner list ask about where to get the latest airshow freqs, point'em at the MT website.