Had to make a trip to ATL last week and enjoyed monitoring activity from Dobbins and NAS Atlanta on the Atlanta FPS trunk system. During the visit caught activity on all four sites as we moved around the city. Also monitored several civilian trunk systems and conventional PS frequencies during our visit. You can find a summary of those intercepts on my peronal blog page, The Btown Monitoring Post. Here are the Milcom particulars.
System: Motorola Type II SmartZone (Mixed Mode)
Atlanta 406.4125c 407.2125c 408.5375c 410.1250c
Dobbins ARB/NAS Atlanta 406.7625c 406.9625c 407.5625c 407.8625 408.9625c
Unknown 406.5625c 407.1625c 408.5625c 410.3625c 410.5625
Unknown 407.3625 408.3625c 408.7625c 409.3625c 410.7625
Talkgroups Monitored:
48032 DARB Airfield Ground Control
48080 DARB FD Dispatch
Heard several more TGs but it is difficult to drive, write and monitor at the same time in ATL traffic. Better forgotten than by the cause of an IH-75 pileup.
Was sad to see VFA-203, the Blue Dolphins ramp empty of F/A-18s. The base flying club and VAW-77 have taken over their old hangar on the NW corner of the base. Had a VAW-77 E-2C in front of that hangar with its wings folded when we drove by.
Here is all the aero freqs heard. Had two C-130s from the 94th and several other aircraft in the pattern.
Dobbins ARB/NAS Atlanta (KMGE/KNCQ)

94AW Command Post 379.525 "Dapper Dan"
VR-46 Squadron Common 233.700
Atlanta A/D 121.000/268.700
ATIS (Automatic Terminal Info Service) 269.500
Ground Control 125.300/275.800
Metro 274.750
Pilot-to-Dispatch 139.300/372.200 (Nationwide assignments)
Tower 120.750/370.875
This is not a complete list of base frequencies, just what we logged during our visit. For a complete list of civilian/military Aero and VHF/UHF LMR frequencies for all 50 states, you should purchase the ONLY publication in the radio hobby that has it all the Grove Frequency Master File SFT35 authored by the owner of this blog. This CD-ROM includes military comms (HF/VHF/UHF), Federal freqs (HF/VHF/UHF), and the Grove Shortwave Freq Directory, the definitive guide to the HF utility spectrum) all on one CD.