Courtesy of Ted Molczan and the good folks on the Seesat-L newsgroup, posted 8 August 2006. Note: USA 186 is NROL-24, probably a KH12-5 imaging satellite in the west plane that replaced USA 129. Photo of a Lacrosse radar imaging satellite courtesy of Phil Chien and Earth News.
Here are revised preliminary elements, based upon additional observations received from David Brierley, Russell Eberst and Alberto Rango:
Lacrosse 2 18.0 4.5 0.0 3.6 v
1 21147U 91017A 06220.25882128 .00000090 00000-0 13212-4 0 04
2 21147 67.9824 289.4067 0004995 260.3372 99.7196 14.75449480 06
USA 186 15.0 4.0 0.0 5.3 v
1 28888U 05042A 06220.11163838 .00008316 00000-0 86983-4 0 05
2 28888 97.9400 281.3457 0535511 318.9078 37.2929 14.75809909 05
Ted Molczan