((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))
Logs from KiwiSDR (sdr.hu) in
05596.0 1305Z Naryan Mar, Pechora &
Arkhangelsk USB R/Cs.
05635.0 1341Z Acft 78043 (IL-78 Midas) USB
calling ?Lidiya? w/no response.
05635.0 1446Z Unid control (very bad
xmitter--hard to read) USB w/78043 (not heard) QSL'ing for 3 -figure msg.
Logs from KiwiSDR in Alberta
11494.0 1840Z LNT (USCG Communications
Command (COMMCOM) CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA) USB/ALE w/13X (HC-144A #2313 CGAS Corpus Christi TX). In
voice November 13 reports position as 3144N/11728W. course 256 degrees, alt 2500 ft at 180
11175.0 2106Z Motivate (TACAMO/ABNCP) USB
w/Fly Fish (HF-GCS) w/authentications to enter net.
11232.0 2130Z Trenton Military USB w/CFC
2505 (CC-130J # 130610, 8th Wing CFB Trenton) reporting departure from Petersen AFB CO at 2055Z and
ETA CFB Trenton 0120Z & opening listening watch w/selcal check (GH-CM).
ALE Logs from KiwiSDRs (sdr.hu)
1. Philippines Freq: 8058.6
WNG824--unid US State Dep't stn
2. Mass Freqs: 7527.0 USB
11A--USCG USCG Response Boat-Medium
51A--USCG USCG Response
TWX--USCGC WPB 87310 Tarpon NTWX Tybee
Island, GA
03B--USCG USCG Response Boat-Medium
M09--CBP Interceptor Boat
R23876--UH-60A #83-23876 2-104 AVN, CT-ARNG,
Windsor Locks, CT
07Z (USCG District 7 "Miami Ops" Miami FL)
w/N04 (USCG HC-144A #2304 CGAS Miami FL)
TSC (Technical Service Center and COTHEN
Remote Transmitter, Orlando, FL) w/RPK (USCGC WLB 204 Elm NRPK Atlantic Beach, NC)
JOM--USCGC WPB 87362 Sea Otter NJOM San
Diego, CA
Z13 (USCG Sector San Juan - San Juan, PR)
w/715 (USCG HC-130H7 #1715 CGAS Clearwater FL)
A21--CBP UH-60 tail # 79-23321
SFENG (New Mexico ARNG AASF, Santa Fe
Airport, NM) w/R23949 (UH-60A #83-23949 C/Coy 1/171st AVN New Mexico ArNG)
Z15 (USCG Sector San Juan - San Juan, PR)
calling N10 (USCG HC-144A #2310 CGAS Miami FL)
Ron (mdmonitor1@verizon.net)
Utility Monitoring from Maryland, USA (390747N 763711W Grid