Ricky Tharrington out of Watha, NC attended the Coastal Carolina Airshow in Wilmington this last weekend and filed the following report of what he heard.
Coastal Carolina Air Show Wilmington NC April 19 and 20, 2008
119.9000 Airshow Air Boss AM mode (ILM Tower frequency)
123.1500 Civilian Airshow Acts Air-Air/Air-Ground AM mode
123.4750 US Army Golden Knights Air-Ground AM mode
143.7000 USAF TBirds 4 Ship Air-Air AM mode
216.9975 USAF TBirds Public Address system feed NBFM mode (rock roll music playing before show)
322.9500 USAF TBirds 2 Ship (Solos) Air-Air AM mode
376.0250 US Navy F/A-18 and USAF F-15 Flight Demonstration Air-Ground AM mode
413.2750 USAF TBirds Ground Support NBFM mode (Analog)
No new surprises here, but a great report confirming information our annual list and post here on the Milcom Monitoring Post. Thanks Ricky for sharing the great list and photo from the show.
Remember if you go to an airshow this season I would like to hear from you. You may remain anonymous if you wish. But I can use your input, even if it only confirms information/frequencies we already have on the annual MT Airshow Guide. All input from monitors at these shows is most welcomed and greatly appreciated.