Friday, February 05, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - HF Feb 2-4, 2010 - Mid Atlantic

Our regular MMP reporter Ron P in the Mid Atlantic checks in again with his military/government HF logs from Feb 2-4. All times UTC and Frequencies in kHz.

2 Feb:

09187.0 Echo 30 (O/M Spanish): 0112 USB calling Remarka 20 (sounds like) w/no response. Tadiran 4FSK & prob Mil-110A also noted after voice calls. Mexican Navy.

09010.0 CURITIBA (Brazilian Air Force): 0300 USB/ALE sounding.

09010.0 HAITI (Brazilian Air Force): 1000 USB/ALE sounding.

09010.0 HAITI (Brazilian Air Force): 20000 USB/ALE calling CANIBAL (Brazilian Air Force).

09185.0 Unid: 2124 USB Tadiran 4FSK & prob Mil-110A w/unid station. Prob Mexican Navy.

3 Feb:

09010.0 XG5RA (unid): 0100 USB/ALE calling FR5RA1 (unid).

15867.0 TSC (US Customs National Law Enforcement Communications Center -- Technical Service Center, Orlando, FL ): 1741 USB/ALE w/C03 (US Army Corps of Engineers Rapid Response Vehicle # 3, Nashville, TN).

09025.0 MOBD17 (Airlift Control Element, Holmstead ARB FL): 1925 USB/ALE calling LNTD17 (unid).

08337.6 Shark 09 (poss USCGC Aquidneck WPB-1309, Portsmouth VA): 2025 USB w/Sinbad 01 (unid, prob USCG) in both clear voice and ANDVT.

08337.6 Shark 11 (USCGC Forward, WMEC-911, Portsmouth VA): 2042 USB w/Bandit 22 (poss HH-65C # 6522, CGAS Detroit MI-not heard). Bandit 22 prob deployed on USCG

08337.0 O/M (Italian): 2045 USB w/O/M (Italian).

09057.7 Unid (poss Egyptian Embassy Havana): 2110 SITOR w/ATU-80 traffic.

09186.0 O/M (Spanish): 2120 USB w/extended Tadiran 4FSK calls & prob Mil-110A w/unid O/M (Spanish). Spanish chat related to comms coordination and equipment. Prob
Mexican Navy.

08150.0 Station 4 (O/M Spanish): 2251 USB calling station 3 w/no response.

09187.0 Unid: 2304 USB USB/LP ALE. No decode prob Swiss diplomatic.

4 Feb:

09188.0 O/M (Spanish): 0002 USB w/O/M (Spanish).

09025.0 GBL (unid): 0041 USB/ALE sounding.

02749.0 VCO (Sydney CG Radio, Sydney NS): 0045 USB w/EE maritime wx forecast.

08340.0 T8R1 (HQs Venezuelan Navy): 1218 LSB/ALE calling 1W1S (Capana-class Medium Landing Ship " Capana", T-61).

11175.0 NATO 29 (E3TF NAEWandCF Geilenkirchen GE): 2103 USB calling Mainsail.

09017.0 T8R1 (HQs Venezuelan Navy): 2115 LSB/ALE calling 1W1S (Capana-class Medium Landing Ship " Capana", T-61).

09185.0 O/M (Spanish): 2135 USB calling Zero Charlie using Tadiran 4FSK call ups. Extended prob Mil-110A also noted. Mexican Navy.

09201.0 O/M (Japanese): 2138 USB w/O/M (Japanese).

09034.3 O/M (Spanish): 2212 LSB w/O/M (Spanish).

08817.0 O/M (Spanish): 2237 USB w/O/M (Spanish).

08268.0 O/M (Spanish): 2241 USB w/O/M (Spanish). Prob maritime link.