One of the more interesting government nets on HF is the COTHEN net. The COTHEN (Customs Over the Horizon Enforcement Net) HF radio system replaced the older DoD JTF designated frequencies/system. Not only are ICE and DEA units using this net, but US Mil, USCG, US Army Corps of Engineers, and now FEMA have shown up on COTHEN. Here are the current COTHEN Scan frequencies:
5732.0 Scan 1
7527.0 Scan 2
8912.0 Scan 3
10242.0 Scan 4
11494.0 Scan 5
13907.0 Scan 6
15867.0 Scan 7
18594.0 Scan 8
20890.0 Scan 9
23214.0 Scan 10
25350.0 Scan 11
7527.0 Scan 2
8912.0 Scan 3
10242.0 Scan 4
11494.0 Scan 5
13907.0 Scan 6
15867.0 Scan 7
18594.0 Scan 8
20890.0 Scan 9
23214.0 Scan 10
25350.0 Scan 11
Yesterday (Dec 12, 2006), Mark Cleary reported the following FEMA stations on COTHEN:
014FEM, 034FEM, and SC4FMA.
Mark also noted the USCGC Seneca (WMEC 906) on this net using ALE address: FMK.