This link comes courtesy of Jack NeSmith, thanks Rocket.
From the Metro Spirit National Security Blogspot:
Out of thin air
Huge new NSA facility suddenly appears on Fort Gordon’s radar
It’s a boom time for spooks. Much like the Pentagon’s Cold War megaprojects put entire cities on the map virtually overnight, the untold billions in tax dollars now pouring into the intelligence agencies fighting the Global War on Terrorism are beginning to trickle down to the local level.And Augusta is about to get a $340-million taste of Sweet Tea.
Editors Note: This new NSA construction project at Fort Gordon is called "Project Sweet Tea."
You can see this rest of this piece at http://augustans.blogspot.com/2006/12/out-of-thin-air.html
And from the MT-Milcom frequency database, here is a frequency profile for the Fort Gordon/Jackson trunk system:
Fort Gordon (Augusta GA)/Fort Jackson (Columbia SC)
System Type: Motorola 9600 baud ASTRO Project 25 Standard, IMBE Exclusive
Motorola System ID: 01C
Fort Gordon 101 406.1125c 406.5000 406.7625 407.0750 407.5000 407.7625 407.8875 408.0500 408.3625 409.7000c
Fort Gordon 102 406.1625c 407.9625c 408.1250c
Fort Gordon 103 407.8125c 410.5500c 410.7625c
Fort Gordon 104 407.5500 408.8875 410.5625
Fort Gordon 105 408.0875c 409.3625c 410.9000c
Fort Jackson 106 406.3625c 406.7625c 407.7625c 408.1625 408.3625c 409.3625 410.1625 410.5625
Fort Jackson 107 406.5625 407.1625c 407.3625c 410.7625c
I would strongly advise listeners in the Gordon/Jackson area to watch the 380-390 MHz portion of the spectrum for one of the new DoD LMR TRS to pop up soon.
And additions and corrections you have on this or any other trunk system, or material you would like to share can be sent to larryvanhorn @ monitoringtimes.com.