12/22/2006 - The F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter takes off for its initial flight Dec. 15 over Fort Worth, Texas. (Lockheed Martin photo/Tom Harvey)
This information originally appeared in the July 2006 MT Milcom column. Copyright 2006 by Monitoring Times magazine and Teak Publications. For personal use only. All rights reserved and not for redistribution in any form.
NAS/JRB Fort Worth Base Communications Profile
DSN Prefix: 874 ICAO Code: KNFW
Area/Base Aero Frequencies
ATIS 273.575
Base Operations 139.300 291.775
Brownwood MOA (FTW Center) 380.050 317.700 (Hornet) 343.600 (Tomcat) 282.200 (Loon)
DFW Regional Approach/Departure 125.800 257.950 363.150
Falcon Range (FTW Center) 290.100
Ground Controlled Approach 128.775 132.225 371.875
Navy Fort Worth Arrival 128.775 371.875
Navy Fort Worth Tower 120.950 269.325 284.725
Navy Fort Worth Ground 126.400 254.325 279.575
PMSV Metro 342.550
Sheppard AFB Monitor 335.900
Lockheed Fort Worth Operations 123.150 (Tertiary) 123.400 (Secondary) 123.575 (Primary) 284.100 (Primary) 292.500 (Secondary) 349.725 (Tertiary)
Lockheed Fort Worth Operations 123.150 (Tertiary) 123.400 (Secondary) 123.575 (Primary) 284.100 (Primary) 292.500 (Secondary) 349.725 (Tertiary)
Flight Test Support 231.450 277.750 300.400 349.700
Base Unit List
USAF 136AW/181AS (Callsign Rodeo) No frequencies currently identififed
USAF 301FW/457FS (Callsign Spad) 252.100 (Ops) 276.500 (A-A) 306.000 (A-A)
VHF Freqs: 140.175 140.275 141.650 149.050 149.075 149.125
USMC VMFA-112 (Callsign Cowboy) 252.525 (A-A) 318.600 (Ops) 318.650 (A-A)
VHF Freqs: 140.325 141.950
USMC VMGR-234 (Callsign Ranger) 233.900 289.800 Operations (Range Ops)
USN VFA-201 (Callsign Pistol) 291.675 (A-A) 299.500 (A-A) 320.500 (A-A) 344.200 (Ops) 344.250 (A-A) 355.100 (A-A)
Unknown Unit 355.400 (Ops)
Lockheed-Martin Callsigns:
Lightning F-35 Aircraft
Picasso Aircraft Painters
Rocket Civilian Test Pilots
Viper USAF Test Pilots
Wagon Wheel Lockheed Flight Test Support Van
Land Mobile Frequencies
Lockheed Fort Worth 72.040 72.180 72.240 72.360 72.440 152.345/157.605 153.080/158.310 153.140/160.065 153.230 153.350/160.185 451.225/456.225 451.3625 456.3625 461.1875 461.825 462.0125 462.0625 462.1125 462.1625 462.3625 462.4000/467.4000 462.9125 462.3250 462.8875 463.2375/468.2375 463.3125/468.3125 463.7375 463.8125 463.8500 463.8625 464.0125 464.3375 464.7125 464.9625 466.1875 466.8125 466.8250 467.0125 467.0625 467.1125 467.1625 467.7500 467.9125 468.8125 468.3500 469.0125 469.3375 469.9625 855.3375/810.3375
49.2375 Unknown user/usage
138.575 Fire/EMS repeater (103.5-Hz PL tone)
140.025 Miscellaneous Net
140.050 Miscellaneous Net
140.100 Fire/Crash Net
140.325 Marine Ground Maintenance Frequency (tentative)
141.950 Marine Ground Maintenance Frequency (tentative)
149.200 Flight Line/Transit Ops (linked to TG 24576) [This is NOT 149.205 that has been reported on some list-LVH]
163.4635 Lockheed Security Repeater (114.8-Hz PL tone)
163.4875 Miscellaneous Net
461.8125 Lockheed Flightline (123.0-Hz PL tone)
461.8125 Lockheed Flightline (123.0-Hz PL tone)
Base Trunk System
Motorola ASTRO 3600 baud (APCO 25 Mixed Mode)
System ID: 7504
Base Frequency: 406.500 MHz, Spacing: 12.5-kHz, Offset: 380
Frequencies: 407.3635 407.9625 408.5625 408.9625 409.4375 409.9625 410.3625 410.7625
48 Base Security (Analog)
80 Base Security
112 Base Security
144 Base Security
192 Unknown user/usage
272 Unknown user/usage
8240 Unknown user/usage(Digital)
8272 Unknown user/usage(Digital)
8304 Unknown user/usage(Digital)
8752 Unknown user/usage(Digital)
9360 Unknown user/usage(Digital)
9456 Unknown user/usage(Digital)
9648 Unknown user/usage(Digital)
9760 Unknown user/POL (P25) [tentative]
24576 Flight Line/Transit Ops (P25)
24608 VFA-201 Maintenance (P25)
24624 Base Public Works (P25)
24640 136AW/181AS Texas ANG
32784 301FW Aircraft Maintenance [Viper/Red]
32816 Unknown user/usage (Digital)
32880 Aircraft Maintenance [Red]
32912 Aircraft Maintenance/Inspection [Maverick] (P25)
32944 Unknown user/usage
33008 301FW Security
40992 Fire Dispatch (P25)
41008 Fire Talk
41072 Fire Prevention (P25)
41088 Fire Talk (P25)