When reporting activity on any of the spectrum hole frequencies in our list, be sure to pass along any info that can help identify the user and frequency usage. Also let us know if you want your catch listed here and how you want to be identified. This list is valid for ITU Region 2 only (North/Central/South America). Other areas of the world have their own bandplans. Note: Any frequency below that is bolded should be watched very closely and those marked with an asterick are our highest priority frequency monitoring targets.Our highest priority spectrum monitor list currently consist of the following frequencies (from parts 1, 2 and 3). If you hear anything on these frequencies below please notify me as soon as possible. High Priority Spectrum Hole frequencies: 233.600 252.300 252.600 277.300 293.900 and 298.200 MHz.
Spectrum Hole List Part 4 (300-324.975 MHz)
302.2750 302.3250 302.3500 303.0250 305.2250 305.3250 305.4250 305.4750 305.5250 305.6750 305.7750 305.8750 305.9250 305.9750 306.1250 306.1500 306.2750 306.3250 306.4250 306.4750 306.6250 306.6500 306.6750 306.7250 306.8250 307.4500 307.4750 307.7750 307.8250 307.8750 307.9250 308.1500 308.2250 308.3250 308.3750 308.4750 308.5250 308.6250 308.6750 308.7250 308.8250 308.9750 309.0250 309.1250 309.1750 309.2250 309.2750 309.3750 309.7250 309.7500 309.8500 309.8750 309.9250 310.0250 310.0500 310.1250 310.1750 310.2250 310.2750 310.3750 310.4750 310.5750 310.7250 310.7750 310.8750 310.9750 311.0250 311.0750 311.1750 311.2250 311.2750 311.3250 311.3500 311.4500 311.4750 311.8750 311.9250 311.9750 312.0250 312.0500 312.1250 312.1750 313.5250 313.6250 313.6500 313.6750 313.7750 313.8750 313.9250 313.9500 313.9750 314.1500 314.3250 315.7750 316.3500 316.3750 316.4250 316.4750 316.8750 316.9250 317.3750 317.8750 317.9250 318.2250 318.3250 318.3500 318.4250 318.4750 318.5250 318.6250 318.7500 318.7750 318.8250 318.8750 319.0250 319.0750 319.1250 319.1750 320.6250 320.9750 322.2500 322.5750 322.8500 322.8750 322.9250 323.3500 323.3750 323.6750 323.7250 323.7750 323.8250 323.8500 323.8750 323.9750 324.0750 324.1250 324.2250 324.2750 324.5250 324.5500 324.5750 324.6750 324.7750 324.8750
Frequencies in bold are priority frequencies to monitor.
And some input from our last spectrum hole list (part 3) posted on this blog on 25 Oct 2006 from a source which wishes to remain anonymous.
These first three frequencies date back to the 2003-2004 timeframe. I have little info for the frequencies as the transmissions were either brief or weak.
277.825- pilot to pilot with basic check-in on frequency with brief status of aircraft calls.
278.825- some very weak aerial combat manuevering type transmissions here
284.550-very brief aircraft comms that went unidentified.
Now for the active ones out of the list.
278.650- this is an active air/air frequency that I have listed for Eglin since the first contacts were the yukon, nomad and mozam flights believed to be flying out of Eglin. However I recently heard Suds flight giving the"gear" call and then switching to button 2 (tyndall's tower 384.4) for landing there. It has been active over the past couple of years though.
291.825- Heard throughout 2005. First contact was Spade flight working with project going through different flight maneuvers for project. During the flight a Rhett flight refueling tanker came up and the Spade flight worked the tanker's boom on this frequency. Several different flights used this frequency during 2005, but haven't seen activity on it since around the first of this year.
298.025- Another project/chamber frequency. First heard viper flight working with project going through different flight tests. On 11/15/06-Bat 1, Widget 48, Chamber/Project were working "range clear" and then into drone launch/shootdown/and recovery comms here. This frequency used since March of 2005. Note on 298.025-This frequency was paired with 314.4 which at one time was used with 287.2 which I heard refered to as Eglin Safety. I believe they were also using Eglin's range frequency of 379.3. Heard it mentioned and there seemed to be some kind of telemetry signal on the channel. Also they were said to be working on H.F., but I never found them on any of the standard air force frequencies I had in my radio. At one point the H.F. frequency was said to be 338.4! Not sure about the decimal placement but heard nothing on 3384 khz. Within the last couple of weeks the 395.125 frequency that was abandoned for the Tyndall inland range frequency was being used by Darkstar in a mission with the Yucca flights I have listed out of Eglin. I didn't have time to try and find the other frequencies in use and just noticed the 395.125 was active and listened in for a few minutes.