As some of you may be aware there is a major situation developing in Venezuela. President Nicolás Maduro on Wednesday faced the gravest challenge to his authority since assuming power in 2013, as the leader of the U.S.-backed opposition claimed the legitimate mantle of leadership and President Donald Trump and other world leaders promptly recognized him as Venezuela's interim and rightful head of state. A defiant Maduro responded by announcing a break in "diplomatic and political relations" with the United States, ordering American diplomats to leave the country within 72 hours.
At this point, it is being reported that Maduro still has the support of the military. Our friend Ron Perron in MD has passed on the following military frequencies for the Venezuelan Navy.

Venezuela Navy Profile
Frequencies and information are subject to change and may not be active or accurate at this time given the current political situation in Venezuela. Any updates, additions, or changes are appreciated and should be sent to the email address in the header.
Frequencies (USB/LSB/ALE):
*4390.0L 4632.0U 5439.0L 6248.0L *6260.0L 6265.0L *6335.0L 6357.0L 6360.0L 6880.0L 6888.0L 6890.0U 6894.0L 6895.0U 7849.0U/L (shared w/Army & Nat'l Guard) 8060.0L 8260.0L 8270.0L 8280.0L 8285.0L 8291.0L 8297.0L 8340.0L 8358.0L 8500.0L 8525.0L 8540L 8582.0L 8810.0L 8825.0U/L 8500.0U 9017.0L 9070.0L 9075.0L 9190.0U 9350.0L 9355.0L 9380.0L 9390.0L 9400.0L 10272.0U (shared w/Army & Nat'l Guard) 10590.0L 10600.0U (shared w/Army & Nat'l Guard) 10650.0L 12220.0L 12479.0L 12480.0L 12510.0L 12528.5L 12537.0U 12546.0L 12600.0L 12660.0L 13139.0L 13500.0U 14759.0L 14790.0L 14911.0L 15536.5U 16458.0L 16680.0L 17080.0L 17380.0L 19098.0L 19200.0U 20400.0L 22245.0L
7310.0 USB Mil-Std 188-141A ALE Venezuelan Riverine?
ABC Riverine HQ, Base Naval Capitan de Fragata Tomas Machado (Ciudad Bolivar)
0 Floating Motorized Naval Post (no name)
1 Probable Pirana or Terepaima-Class Patrol Launch
2 Probable Pirana or Terepaima-Class Patrol Launch
4 Probable Pirana or Terepaima-Class Patrol Launch
8280.0 LSB Mil-Std 188-141A ALE Venezuelan Riverine Forces
COFFMU1 Comando Fluvial Fronterizo Teniente de Navio Jacinto Munoz
DIV Naval Infantry Command, Meseta de Mamo, Vargas State
10650.0 LSB Mil-Std 188-141A ALE Venezuelan Coast Guard
DCCOP Direccion Central de Operaciones y Planeamiento, Caracas
GC12 ARBV. General Moran GC-12
T64 Capana class LSM T-64 "Los Llanos"
20400.0 LSB Mil-Std 88-141A ALE Venezuelan Riverine
ABC Riverine Headquarters, Base Naval Capitan de Fragata Tomas Machado (Ciudad Bolivar)
DIVIMCO1 Headquarters, Marine Infantry Division, Special Operations Command, Meseta del Mamo, Estado Vargas
PNEN1 Naval Post Orinoco-Apure Axis
Venezuela Navy ALE Address Identifiers
Naval Organizations:
ADIPC Defense Integrated Area Puerto Cabello (Area de Defensa Integral Puerto Cabello)
ARMARIO Naval base Puerto Cabella (named after Agustin Armario de Puerta Cabella),
BDIRCO Batallon de Ingenieros de Combata (Combat Engineer Battalion)
BNA Naval Base "Amario"
BNARAB Naval Base "Amario"
BNARCO Commando, Basa Navale "Amario"
BNARTEL Telecommunications Officer, Naval Base "Amario"
BNF Naval Base "Mariscal Juan Crisóstomo Falcon", Punto Fijo
BNFACO Naval Base "Mariscal Juan Crisóstomo Falcon",Punto Fijo
BNG Naval Base "LaGuira" or Naval Base "Guiterrez"
BNGU Base Naval “CN Francisco Javier Gutiérrez”
BRIFFR Venezuelan Navy:River Base Franz Risquez Iribarren
BRIFFRI5 Venezuelan Navy:River Base Franz Risquez Iribarren
CANCO Commander, Naval Aviation Commnand (Commando Aviacion Navale)
CANES Centro de Adiestramiento Naval “CN. Felipe Santiago Esteves"
CEARMAE Unidentified
CEDAOR Unidentified
CEDCOM Unidentified
CEDCOMEBA Commander Amphibious Support & Auxiliaries (LST) Squadron
CEDCOMEF Unidentified
CEDCOMFO Unidentified
CEDCOMOP Unidentified
CEDEF Commander, Frigate Squadron Commando Escuadron de Fragatas
CEDEFCOP Unidentified
CEDEFO Unidentified
CEDIAP Unidentified
CEDLO Commander, Escuadrón de Buques Anfibios y de Servicio (Puerto Cabello)
CEDOP Fleet Command, Director of Operations--Comando de Escuadra, Direccion de Operaciones
CEDOPR Unidentified
CEDOPGR Commander, Escuadrón de Patrulleros (Base Naval Mariscal Falcón, Punto Fijo. Estado Falcón)
CEDPE Unidentified
CEOFAB Commander, Riverine Operations Squadron (Commando Escuadron Operaciones, Fluvial
CEOFL Commander, Riverine Operations Squadron (Commando Escuadron Operaciones, Fluvial)
CFLCO Commander, HQS Riverine Force-- Commando, Cuartel Fluvial
CGA Navy Headquarters, (Cuartel General Armada), Comandancia General de la Armada,
CGA3 Unidentified
CGACO Commander, Venezuelan Navy- Comando, Cuartel General Armada
CGAMIENTO Unidentified
CGARM Navy Headquarters (Cuartel General de Armada)
CGUARD Venezuelan Coast Guard Guarda Costa
CGUARDOP Venezuelan Coast Guard Operations
CNZACE Central Naval Zone, Squadron Commander
CNZEDOP Central Naval Zone, Director of Operations
COFFRI1 Commando Fluvial Fronterizo " General de Brigada Franz Rizquez Iribarren"
COFL Fleet Commander
COMEBA Unidentified
COMEDRA Comandante de la Escuadra, Fleet Command
COMEPGPAGR Unidentified
COMEPGPAM Unidentified
COMNAPE Unidentified
COMSLGM Unidentified
COMZNAOR Unidentified
CNAPEPC Unidentified
CUMANA Naval Base, Cumana
CZNACEN Commander Central Naval Zone or Central Naval Zone Command
CZNACOP Unidentified
DCCOP Naval Operations Directorate--Direccion de Coordination Y Control Operacional
DCCGR Direccion de Coordination Y Control ?Guardacosta?
DHD Unidentified (poss garble for DHN)
DHN Hydrographic & Navigation Directorate--Direccion de Hidrgrafia y Navigacion
DIACM Unidentified
DIANCA Levees and National Shipyards CA
DICO Communications Directorate
DIMAT Unidentified
DIMD Unidentified
DINB Unidentified
DIVIMBO Division de Infanteria de Marina (Naval Marine Infantry)
DIVIMCO1 Unidentified
DTELMALG Unidentified
EGR Escuela de Grumetes
EPAR Naval Postgraduate School -Escuela de Postgrado de la Armada
EPG Coast Guard Station (Estacion principale de Guardacostas)
EPGLG Coast Guard Station, La Guaira (Estacion Principale de Guardacostas)
EPN Naval Police School-Escuela de Policía Naval
ESEQUIBO Venezuelan Navy Capana-class Medium Landing Ship "Esequibo" T-62
ESGAS Estación Secundaria de Guardacostas Aves de Sotavento
ESGN Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval
ESOAR Escuela de Suboficiales de la Armada
ETAR Naval Technical School-Escuela Técnica de la Armada
FALCON Base Naval “Mariscal Juan Crisóstomo Falcón”
FRM Unidentified
INGEAR Unidentified
JCCNAR Unidentified
JCCOP Chief, Operationas Control & Coordination (Jefe de Coordination Y Control Operacional)
JEMDAIN Unidentified
MACABRO Unidentified
MASCARA Unidentified
MOTEFECTUAR Unidentified
MPGUARPC Unidentified
MPPD (CEOFAB) Unidentified
OCAMAR Autonomous Service Office Support Coordinator Navy Sea (Oficina Coordinadora de Apoyo Marítimo de la Armada)
PJUNPE Unidentified
PNME5 Venezuelan Navy:Rio Meta
PNFA1- Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post (Puesta Navale Fluvial)#1, Rio Orinoco-Apure
PNFA3- Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post (Puesta Navale Fluvial)#3, Rio Orinoco-Apure
PNFA5- Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post (Puesta Navale Fluvial)#5,Rio Orinoco-Apure
PNME2- Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post (Puesta Navale Fluvial)#2, Rio Meta
PNME3- Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post (Puesta Navale Fluvial)#3,Rio Meta
PNME4- Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post (Puesta Navale Fluvial)#4,Rio Meta
PNME5- Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post (Puesta Navale Fluvial)#5, Rio Meta
PNPP5 Venezuelan Rivereine forces
PNRN4- Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post (Puesta Navale Fluvial)#4, Rio Negro
PNRN5- Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post (Puesta Navale Fluvial)#5, Rio Negro
PR1 Radio Station 1 (Puesto Radio)
PR2 Radio Station 2 (Puesto Radio)
PR4 Radio Station 4 (Puesto Radio)
PR5 Radio Station 5 (Puesto Radio)
REDJEFE Unidentified,literally means "main net"
SASITCGA Unidentified
VARGAS Commando de Vigilancia Costera, La Guaira, Estado Vargas.
ZNACEN Central Naval Zone (Zona Naval del Centro)
ZNAOR Eastern Naval Zone (Zona Naval del Oriente)
Naval Vessels:
05T3 Unidentified
15JL Unidentified
1C3Z Frigate "General Soublette (F24)"
1DV6 Unidentified
1EW1 Venezuelan Navy Base "Amario"
1EW2 Unidentified
1EW9 BNAR (Naval Base "Amario") or CGA (HQ Caracas?)
1F5G Venezuelan Navy Base "Amario"
1JT4 Unidentified
1L0Y Unidentified
1PZ2 Unidentified
1W1S Capana-class Medium Landing Ship " Capana", T-61
1XV7 Unidentified
1Z8C Possible Oceanographic Survey Ship "Punta Brava" BO-11
1ZC5 Unidentified frigate
28DV Unidentified
2AG6 Unidentified
2KZ9 Possible Commander Amphibious Support & Auxiliaries (LST) Squadron
2TB9 Venezuelan Navy LSM ARBV Goijaira T-63
2YI3 Unidentified
3QB2 Unidentified
3SK5 Unidentified
3V2Y Venezuelan Navy LST "Los LLanos" T-64
3WP1 Unidentified
4LA3 EPGZ07 PG407 Fardela
4T8S Venezuelan Navy Capana class LST "Esequibo" T-62
5CT8 Unidentified
5JL1 Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21
6E78 Unidentified
6SD4 Unidentified
6G8Y Unidentified
6GY2 Unidentified
6QA8 Possible LCU " La Orchila" T-72
6T4T Unidentified
71XV Unidentified
7HW3 Unidentified
7P4S Poss Training Ship "Simon Bolivar", BE-11
7R8C Unidentified
7RC4 CGT 23.4 (F21, F24, T62) Unidentified
8DV9 Capana class LST “Los Llanos "(T-64)
9AH4 Possible Ciudad Bolívar class supply ship T-81 "Ciudad Bolívar"
9FS3 Unidentified
L1W1 Unidentified
LSH3 PG7 Unidentified
T54W Unidentified
T5L1 CEDEF-Commander, Frigate Squadron
T8R1 HQs Venezuelan Navy
ALB Venezuelan Coast Guard Point Class cutter "Albatroz"
ALBATROZ Venezuelan Coast Guard Point Class cutter "Albatroz"
BE1 Unidentified
BE2 Unidentified
BE4 Unidentified
BE6 Unidentified
BE11 Training Ship Simon Bolivar BE-11
BOLIVAR Training Ship Simon Bolivar BE-11
BOLIVAR Replenishment Oiler Ciudad Bolivar T-81
BRION Frigate, "Almirante Brion", F-22
CAPANA Capana-class Medium Landing Ship Capana T-61
CLEMENTE Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate Almirante Clemente GC-11
CONSTITUCION Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft Constitucion PC-11
ESQUIBO Venezuelan Navy Capana-class Medium Landing Ship ARBV Esequibo (T-62
F-12 Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate General Jose Trinidad Moran GC-12 Goijaira
F-21 Frigate Mariscal Sucre F-21
F-22 Frigate Almirante Brion F-22
F-23 Frigate General Urdaneta F-23
F-25 Frigate General Salom F-25
F-24 Frigate General Soublette F-24
F-26 Frigate Almirante Garcia F-26
FEDERACION Cnstitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, Federacion PC-12
GC11 Frigate "Almirante Clemente" GC-11 Venezuelan Coast Guard
GC12 Frigate " General Jose Trinidad Moran" GC-12 Venezuelan Coast Guard
GC21 Littoral Surveillance Vessel (LSV) "Guaicamacuto" (2010)
LSM Goijaira T-63
INDEPENDENCIA Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft Independencia PC-13
LIB/LIBERTAD Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft Libertad PC-14
LLANOS Amphibious Support Ship Los Llanos T-64
NEGRON Protector-class Patrol Boat Rio Negro B-8424
PC12 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft Federacion PC-12
PC13 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack craft Independencia PC-13
PC16 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack craft Victoria PC-16
PR1 River Patrol Craft "Lago1" PBR-1
PR2 River Patrol Craft "Lago2" PBR-2
PR4 River Patrol Craft "Lago 4" PBR-4
PUNTABRAVA Oceanographic Support Ship Punta Brava BO-11
RIONEGRO1 Venezuelan National Guard Protector-class patrol craft
SOUBLETTE Frigate General Soublette F-24
SUCRE Frigate Mariscal Sucre F-21
T-61 LST Capana T-61
T-62 LSM Capana-class Medium Landing Ship Esequibo T-62
T-63 LSM Goijaira T63
T-64 LSM Los LLanos T64
T-72 LCU La Orchila T-72
T-81 Replenishment Oiler Ciudad Bolivar T-81
VICTOR Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack craf Victoria PC-16
ALE "Order of Battle":
1. Naval Base at Puerto Cabella ("Amario")
a. Frigate Squadron:
F-21 Frigate "Mariscal Sucre" F-21
F-22 Frigate "Almirante Brion" F-22
F-24 Frigate "General Soublette", F-24
F-26 Frigate "Almirante Garcia" F-26
BRION Frigate, "Almirante Brion", F-22
SOUBLETTE (Frigate "General Soublette", F-24
SUCRE Frigate "Mariscal Sucre", F-21
b. Amphibious Support & Auxiliaries Squadron:
T-61 LST "Capana" T-61
T-63 LSM "Goijaira" T63
T-64 LSM "Los LLanos" T64
T-72 LCU " La Orchila" T-72
T-81 Replenishment Oiler " Ciudad Bolivar" T-81
PUNTABRAVA Oceanographic Support Ship "Punta Brava", BO-11
LLANOS Amphibious Support Ship, "Los Llanos", T-64
CAPANA Capana-class Medium Landing Ship " Capana", T-61
BOLIVAR Training Ship "Simon Bolivar", BE-11
BOLIVAR Replenishment Oiler " Ciudad Bolivar" T-81
Los Frailes class (Damen Stan Lander 5612) Roll-on/Roll-off medium vessels capable of beaching - AKR
T-91 AB Los Frailes
T-92 AB Los Testigos
T-93 AB Los Roques
T-94 AB Los Monjes
Margarita class (Swiftships model 130LS0791) Landing Craft Utility – LCU
T-71 AB Margarita
T-72 AB La Orchila
2. Naval Base at Punto Fijo (“Mariscal Juan Crisóstomo Falcón”)
Patrol Squadron:
CONSTITUCION Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Constitucion" PC-11
FEDERACION Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Federacion" PC-12
INDEPENDENCIA Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Independencia" PC-13
LIBERTAD Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft "Libertad" PC-14
PC11 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Constitucion" PC-11
PC12 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Federacion" PC-12
PC13 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Independencia" PC-13
PC16 Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack Craft, "Victoria", PC-16
VICTORIA Constitucion-class Missile/Fast Attack craft, "Victoria" PC-16
3. Coast Guard at La Guaira
CLEMENTE Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate, "Almirante Clemente", GC-11
GC11 Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate, "Almirante Clemente", GC-11
GC12 Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate " General Jose Trinidad Moran" GC-12
MORAN Venezuelan Coast Guard Frigate " General Jose Trinidad Moran" GC-12