I have no frequencies for this group in my files. So if you run into them this airshow season; have your scanner handy in the Close Call, Signal Stalker, or Signal Sweeper mode; and capture a frequency they are using, please drop me some email. So without further ado, here is the Skyhawk 2008 schedule.
Canadian Forces Skyhawks 2008 Performance Schedule
This schedule is subject to change without notice.
May 2008
3-4 Moreno Valley, California - March AFB Airfest 2008 Air Show
14-15 Kingston, Ontario Canada - RMC Sunset Ceremony
17-18 Lancaster, South Carolina - Lancaster Airshow
24-28 Columbia, Missouri - Salute to Veterans Air Show
30-31 Southport, Manitoba Canada - Southport AFD
June 2008
7-8 Manitowoc, Wisconsin - Thunder on the Lakeshore
13-15 Québec, Québec Canada - The Québec International Air Show
20-22 Borden, Ontario Canada - Borden AFD
28 Cobourg, Ontario Canada - Cobourg Waterfront Festival
29 Brockville, Ontario Canada - Brockville Riverfest
30 Ottawa, Ontario Canada - Media Day
July 2008
1 Ottawa, Ontario Canada - Canada Day Flypast
1 Ottawa, Ontario Canada - Canada Aviation Museum
4-6 Calgary, Alberta Canada - Calgary Stampede
18-21 Edmonton, Alberta Canada - Capital EX/Edmonton Grand Prix
25-27 Memphrémagog, Québec Canada - Traversée internationale du Lac Memphrémagog
August 2008
1-3 London, Ontario Canada - London Balloon Festival
7-10 Abbotsford, British Colombia Canada - Abbotsford International Air Show
12 Rocky Mountain House, Alberta Canada - Rocky Mountain House Air Show
18-19 Stirling, Ontario Canada - 150th Anniversary Celebrations
17-19 Québec, Québec Canada - Québec City International Festival of Military Bands
22-24 Québec, Québec Canada - Expo Québec
27 Brantford, Ontario Canada - Brant United Way Air Show
29-31 Gatineau, Québec Canada - Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival
September 2008
5-7 Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada - Nova Scotia International Air Show
12-14 Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Canada - Yarmouth Airshow
18-29 Local to CFLAWC School Concentration
19 London, Ontario Canada - Red Feather Football Tournament
26-28 Salinas, California - California International Air Show – Salinas
October 2008
4-6 Washington D.C. - US Army Ten-Miler