HMS Northumberland Conducting a replenishment during Exercise Neptune Warrior off Scotland in March 06 with RFA Orangeleaf (UK Royal Navy Photo)
The UK military will be running two publicized multi-force exercises around Scotland under the title of Exercise Joint Warrior 2008. NW 081 will run from April 19, 2008 to May 2, 2008, and NW 082 will follow later in the year, running between October 4, 2008 and October 17, 2008. These are the latest in the series of major regular multi-force exercises previously known as Neptune Warrior. You can get more details on this at http://secretscotland.wordpress.com/2008/04/10/exercise-joint-warrior-2008/
Gerry on the UDXF has reported 4760 kHz USB (Tac Calls: 9IJ, 1IF, 8US, and 1TF), and 5206 kHz USB, probable CWC style net (Tac Calls: Control, KG, KE and JW) as possible exercise frequencies.