During Fleet Week San Diego, the Navy offered an alluring spectacle of ships and aircraft throughout San Diego Bay on May 3.
An estimated 100,000 visitors and residents observed the parade of ships.
"I wish my husband could be here with me to watch the parade," said the wife of Electronic Technician 3rd Class Joshua Jensen, who was aboard USS Lake Champlain (CG 57), as it navigated through the bay.
A mock smoke-filled gun battle between tall ships California, known as the "official tall ship ambassador for the State of California," and HMS Surprise, a replica of the HMS Rose, a frigate built in 1857 took place.
John Sable a former Aviation Electronics Technician (radar and navigation) 1st Class, awaited the much favored Red Bull Air Race World Series, featuring pilots flying 30 feet off the deck and reaching speeds of 400 kilometers per hour while withstanding forces of up to 10 Gs.
Also featured were air demonstrations by an EA-6B Prowler from Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 129, two MH-60s Knighthawks from Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron(HSC) 23, a C-2 Greyound from Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 30 and an HH-60J Seahawk from Coast Guard Search and Rescue.