By ELOISE OGDEN, Minot Daily News Regional Editor eogden@minotdailynews.com
MINOT AIR FORCE BASE The new 69th Bomb Squadron, the second B-52 squadron at Minot Air Force Base, is set to go, say the commanders of Air Force Global Strike Command and 8th Air Force.
"They just received an inspection last week that proved their readiness to take on the nuclear mission so they're past that hurdle," said Maj. Gen. Floyd Carpenter, commander of 8th Air Force, at a news conference at the base Feb. 1.
Carpenter and Lt. Gen. Frank G. Klotz, commander of Air Force Global Strike Command, both with headquarters at Barksdale AFB, La., were at the base Feb. 1 when the 5th Bomb Wing transferred to Global Strike Command.
The 69th Bomb Squadron was activated five months ago on Sept. 3, 2009, and is the fourth operational B-52 squadron in the Air Force, joining the 23rd Bomb Squadron as the second squadron at the Minot base. Lt. Col. Michael Cardoza is commander of the 69th.
The new squadron was established to provide each B-52 wing the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot AFB and the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale AFB with two active-duty combat-coded squadrons.
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