Yesterday was an interesting day on the HF-GCS. We heard quite a few Emergency Action Messages (EAMs). Here is the summary of that activity.
1454z: 44c EAM by unid HF-GCS
1552z: 44c GCA4VH EAM HF-GCS
1555z: 44c GCA7MV EAM Andy HF-GCS
1720z: 44c GCA4VH/GCA7MV EAM Succulent HF-GCS
1830z: 26c GCJ6ED EAM Andy HF-GCS more to follow
1834z: 22c 4EV5SY EAM Andy HF-GCS
1850z: 26c GCJ6ED/22c 4EV5SY EAM Succulent HF-GCS
1900z: 26c GCJ6ED EAM Andy HF-GCS more to follow
1903z: 22c 4EV5SY EAM Andy HF-GCS
1930z: 26c GCJ6ED EAM Andy HF-GCS more to follow
1933z: 22c 4EV5SY EAM Andy HF-GCS
1949z: Very weak OM passing EAM traffic 8992.0 kHz
2000z: 26c GCJ6ED EAM Andy HF-GCS more to follow
2003z: 22c 4EV5SY EAM Andy HF-GCS
At 2030z no EAMs were passed.
Also several of us have uncovered a new interesting HF ALE network on 9010.0 kHz.
I saw the following ale addresses from 1731-1941 UTC on Feb 3 on 9010.0 kHz. This network has to be in this hemisphere given the time of day of intercept and basic props.
ALE Addresses: 2BP 4BP 5BP A1L LV7 T1 T2
Anybody else seen these addresses on any other freqs or want to take a stab at who this is? Email me at the address in the masthead.
Finally our Mid Atlantic MMP reporter Ron P intercepted another new ALE address on the HF-GCS Scope Command network that is associated with the Haiti earthquake relief effort:
09025.0 MOBD17 (Airlift Control Element, Holmstead ARB FL): 1925 USB/ALE calling LNTD17 (unid).
Anyone have any ideas on LNTD17?