Not only is the 225-400 MHz band being overhauled by DoD, but the 138-144/148-150.8 MHz band is also under change. Based on monitoring and other sources, it is now apparent that frequencies within this band are being set aside for certain functions instead of just a particular service.
In years past the frequencies in this band have been allocated to the services, who in turn determine who/what is allocated on each frequency they managed. Now based on recent changes we have monitored and had reported to us that this is no longer the case.
Long time reporter Jack NeSmith has uncovered the changes below through an official source. Old air-to-air (interflight) frequencies: 138.200 138.400 139.900 139.975 141.575 MHz. These frequencies are moving to new VHF AM interflight (air-to-air) frequencies: 141.650 141.950 143.150 143.250 143.700 MHz (AM)
Last year we first reported on this blog that DoD has setup 139.300 MHz (AM) as a VHF Pilot to Dispatch frequency nationwide.
All of the new freqs above should be programmed in your milcom scanner as part of your overall monitoring plan.
More as we compile it.