The Nassau Strike Group (NASSG) COMPUTEX exercise is being conducted right now off the East Coast of the US (see my story at http://mt-milcom.blogspot.com/2007/12/nassau-strike-group-participating-in.html). The group air defense net (NCS-NW) has been monitored on 4068.0 kHz. You will hear NW and single letter stations that make up the net.
The NASSG is made up of the amphibious assault ship USS Nassau (LHA 4), amphibious transport dock ship USS Nashville (LPD 13), amphibious dock landing ship USS Ashland (LSD 48), guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG 58), guide-missile destroyers USS Ross (DDG 71) and USS Bulkeley (DDG 66), the attack submarine USS Albany (SSN 753), and a Marine Landing Force from the 24 MEU.
Participating as a simulated coalition partner is USS Gonzalez (DDG 66) and also participating as simulated opposition forces are guided-missile destroyer USS Farragut (DDG 99), and guided-missile frigates USS Klakring (FFG 42), USS Nicholas (FFG 47) and USS Hawes (FFG 53).
The exercise will conclude on December 17.