SILVERDALE, Wash (NNS) -- The blue crew of USS Pennsylvania (SSBN 735) recently returned from the ship's 60th Strategic Deterrent Patrol. This historic patrol marked a significant milestone as it was the 500th successful patrol of the Ohio-class submarine Trident II D5 Strategic Weapons System (SWS).
"I am honored that Pennsylvania was in position to complete this historic patrol and milestone for the ballistic missile submarine fleet, and I'm extremely proud of my crew for their efforts in successfully completing this patrol," said Cmdr. Brad Neff, commanding officer of USS Pennsylvania (Blue).
Pennsylvania is one of 14 ballistic missile submarines in the Navy today. Eight are stationed in Bangor, Wash., with the other six stationed in King's Bay, Ga.
Each SSBN operates with two complete crews, identified as blue and gold, who alternate responsibility for taking the submarine to sea on mission. This command structure provides national defense planners better than 65 percent operational availability for each submarine and optimizes maintenance schedules ensuring each submarine can serve the nation for 40 years as designed.
"As the maritime strategy illustrates, preventing wars is as important as winning wars. For 500 straight patrols of the Trident II D5 weapon system, the ballistic missile submarine force has done just that," said Neff.