The Navy’s Riverine Squadron (RIVRON) 2 departed Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek for its first deployment Oct. 2.
The squadron's primary mission is to conduct Maritime Security Operations (MSO) along rivers and other inland waterways, to deny the use of the maritime environment as a venue for attack, as a haven for insurgent activities or the illegal transportation of weapons, people or material.
RIVRON 2 is the second riverine squadron deployed since the U.S. Navy assumed responsibility for riverine operations from the U.S. Marine Corps in December 2006.
The main body of RIVRON 1 will return after completing turn over with RIVRON 2.
According to Capt. Michael Jordan, commander, Riverine Group 1, he has every confidence that RIVRON 2 is fully trained and ready for mission.
"All the feedback we had from Squadron 1 tells me we were right on target with our initial training pipeline. No one said 'we could have used more training in this or that. The only adjustments we're making for Squadron 2 is with a couple equipment items," said Jordan. "When you consider that we started from zero in May 2006, these Sailors have done an outstanding job."
RIVRON 2, commanded by Cmdr. Glenn Leverette, will relieve RIVRON 1 to conduct MSO in Iraq.