Blog editor note: For me as the author of MT's annual airshow guide, this is a pretty big deal. For folks who like to make long range plans (as long as they understand that it is subject to change) this is a good deal.
The Navy approved a two-year scheduling process in coordination with the International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) for the U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron (Blue Angels) to provide Navy recruiting and the air show industry with more time to plan for air future air shows.
Beginning at the 2009 ICAS convention, the Blue Angels plan to release the approved schedules for the 2010 and 2011 show seasons. At each subsequent ICAS convention, the upcoming year's schedule will be reviewed and the following year's schedule will be released.
The new scheduling process will allow the Blue Angels to schedule air shows 18 to 24 months in advance, providing more time for air shows to garner sponsorship, advertise and plan logistics. This scheduling process is especially helpful to air shows that take place in the early part of the season.
With the new two-year scheduling process, more of a collaborative effort between the Blue Angels, the Calendar for America and the Navy's recruiting effort will optimize the use of Navy assets for community outreach across the United States. Additionally, the two-year schedule process will allow recruiting districts more time to coordinate a better strategic effort to canvass the country with the Navy's Calendar for America.
Air show coordinators can start applying now for consideration to host the Blue Angels at their air shows in 2010 and 2011. The Centennial of Naval Aviation will be celebrated throughout the year in 2011.