Government Executive.com reported yesterday that the Department of Homeland Security is still messed up! Duh are you really that surprised?
In an online article at http://govexec.com/dailyfed/0208/020108j1.htm, titled "Poor management continues to plague Homeland Security, IG reports," author Jill Aitoro reports,
"Management challenges continue to plague the Homeland Security Department, including a failure to integrate the information technology infrastructure across all of the department's agencies, according to a report released Jan. 30 from the DHS inspector general."
"A lack of available funds continues to slow DHS' efforts to consolidate data centers. The department did award an eight-year, $800 million contract last year for a secondary data center that will support DHS' primary data center in Mississippi, and it is preparing to award another contract to outsource data management services."
A lack of funds? What pitcher of Kool-Aid are these fools in the IGs office drinking. Have they not seen the fraud, waste and abuse that is running rampant in this agency. If this all wasn't such a sad state of affairs for the taxpayers of this country, I might be able to generate a good laugh at this report. It runs right along with what I have been posting on here and writing about in MT since this agency was started after 9/11.
In an online article at http://govexec.com/dailyfed/0208/020108j1.htm, titled "Poor management continues to plague Homeland Security, IG reports," author Jill Aitoro reports,
"Management challenges continue to plague the Homeland Security Department, including a failure to integrate the information technology infrastructure across all of the department's agencies, according to a report released Jan. 30 from the DHS inspector general."
"A lack of available funds continues to slow DHS' efforts to consolidate data centers. The department did award an eight-year, $800 million contract last year for a secondary data center that will support DHS' primary data center in Mississippi, and it is preparing to award another contract to outsource data management services."
A lack of funds? What pitcher of Kool-Aid are these fools in the IGs office drinking. Have they not seen the fraud, waste and abuse that is running rampant in this agency. If this all wasn't such a sad state of affairs for the taxpayers of this country, I might be able to generate a good laugh at this report. It runs right along with what I have been posting on here and writing about in MT since this agency was started after 9/11.
The DHS is an absolutely fine example of the legislative branch of the US Government's approach to problems. Got a problem throw the taxpayers money at it. Have something that needs fixing, hype it and create another government agency that can't do a damn thing but waste money. DHS has to be one of the biggest pork barrel projects in US government history. You just knew the US Government was going to find a way to hire back all those old Cold War Warriors that had nothing to do since the wall came down.
Department of Homeland Security is one of the most wasteful and corrupt agencies within the federal government and the IG says that can't get their mission done due to a lack of funds? When is someone in this department going to look up the dictionary meaning of "priority" and practice some in fiscal restraint? It is pretty bad when a department like the DHS has learned the fine art of earmark spending from those that sign the government checks - Congress.
This from the agency that produced a coloring book for school kids to help them understand communications interoperability. This from the agency that has wasted billions on radio systems for first responders that cannot do the job. This from an agency that screwed up the Hurricane Katrina/Rita relief efforts? And don't even get me started on their waste of the HF radio spectrum with their useless and do nothing radio networks.
Worse decision ever made by the Congress of the United States. Instead of reporting shortfalls, there are high level employees of this agency that should be prosecuted and jailed for fraud, waste and abuse of the American taxpayers money.
Hey Congress, you want to do something constructive in an electrion year, how about holding hearings on the waste generated by this federal agency. Which one of you are going to have the guts to stand up for something right for a change instead of worrying about generating the next earmark for your district/state?
If there is one thing that is consistent about DHS it is they consistently waste money and get bad reports from the IGs and others. If the IGs office can't see the fraud, waste and abuse, maybe it is time we should be prosecuting them for failure to perform their jobs. Oh yes, I remember, I said that the last time the IG issue their report on this agency.
Thanks Jack, you know this is the agency I love to hate.
Department of Homeland Security is one of the most wasteful and corrupt agencies within the federal government and the IG says that can't get their mission done due to a lack of funds? When is someone in this department going to look up the dictionary meaning of "priority" and practice some in fiscal restraint? It is pretty bad when a department like the DHS has learned the fine art of earmark spending from those that sign the government checks - Congress.
This from the agency that produced a coloring book for school kids to help them understand communications interoperability. This from the agency that has wasted billions on radio systems for first responders that cannot do the job. This from an agency that screwed up the Hurricane Katrina/Rita relief efforts? And don't even get me started on their waste of the HF radio spectrum with their useless and do nothing radio networks.
Worse decision ever made by the Congress of the United States. Instead of reporting shortfalls, there are high level employees of this agency that should be prosecuted and jailed for fraud, waste and abuse of the American taxpayers money.
Hey Congress, you want to do something constructive in an electrion year, how about holding hearings on the waste generated by this federal agency. Which one of you are going to have the guts to stand up for something right for a change instead of worrying about generating the next earmark for your district/state?
If there is one thing that is consistent about DHS it is they consistently waste money and get bad reports from the IGs and others. If the IGs office can't see the fraud, waste and abuse, maybe it is time we should be prosecuting them for failure to perform their jobs. Oh yes, I remember, I said that the last time the IG issue their report on this agency.
Thanks Jack, you know this is the agency I love to hate.