According to a Fort Worth Star Telegram article at
http://www.star-telegram.com/329/story/441527.html, the US Navy Blue Angels will be conducting a flyover at the Superbowl, Sunday in Glendale, Arizona. And for those of you in the Phoenix area with scanners, here are the known frequencies used by the Boyz in Blue, courtesy of our new
2008 Airshow Guide that will appear in the March 2008 issue of
Monitoring Times magazine. Additional information on airshows and flight demonstration groups is available in the MMP "Milcom Blog Guide to Airshows" section on the right side of this blog.

237.800 Solos
255.200 Circle and arrivals discrete
275.350 Diamond
284.250 Show Box/Delta
289.800 Aerial Refueling
302.100 Fat Albert
303.000 Occasional air-to-air comms
305.500 Fat Albert "Bert" Primary
346.500 Ground start/rollout/maintenance
Have fun, enjoy the game and good hunting.